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TP19778 - Astley Church Tower
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OSGB36 trig archive spreadsheet - IW
Astley Ch TwrSP38/T96SP38T096431090.06289430.920.0003RIVET01/06/196800
Astley Ch TwrSP38/T96SP38T096431089.46289431.000.0003VANE01/06/196800
Astley Ch TwrSP38/T96SP38T096431089.43289426.700.0003FLAGSTAFF01/06/195001Dest 2/68
Astley Ch TwrSP38/T96SP38T096431090.34289430.430.0003BOLT01/06/194301Refixed 1968
Astley Ch TwrSP38/T96SP38T096431089.74289430.510.0003VANE01/06/194301Refixed 1968

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There are 8 photos for this trigpoint (view album).

This trigpoint:
Is ranked joint 15567th with 94 other trigs (more).
Has a mean score of 4.67/10 (from 6 logged visits)
Was First logged: 20th May 2016
Has never been found intact
Was Last logged: 12th Feb 2024

Of the 6 logged visits,
1 recorded a location

The error was 12m

Haunchwood Colliery Haunchwood Colliery Tower Farm Tower Farm Stockingford Church Tower Stockingford Church Tower Arbury Hall Arbury Hall Alderman Smith High School Alderman Smith High School g4wsb g4wsb Astley Church Tower Astley Church Tower [Zoom In/Out] [Hide Labels]

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Selection of photos for this Rivet.

Astley Church Tower
Cut BM
Astley Church Tower

See 4 more in the album.

Logged Visits:

Not Logged 12th Feb 2024  10:25  by Weddyman

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 5/10

Inaccessible 15th Dec 2023  09:25  by eon

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Inaccessible  Score: 3/10

(3509) Grade I listed St Mary the Virgin. Small village so parking was at a premium here. Cut BM present on tower buttress - NW angle. Adjacent to the church, and surrounded by a moat, is Astley Castle - much restored after it was gutted in a fire in the late 70s.

Astley Church Tower ©eon
Cut BM ©eon

Inaccessible 12th Jan 2020  11:27  by peregrinus

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Inaccessible  Score: 5/10

Flagstaff dest 2/68, no sign of Vane on pinnacled tower, Rivet not investigated, apparently was a Bolt too

Inaccessible 27th Apr 2019  16:40  by CJO

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Inaccessible  Score: 5/10

St Mary. CBM on NW tower buttress.

Astley Church Tower

Inaccessible 30th Mar 2017  13:00  by g4wsb

Gridref: SP 31099 89438   FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Inaccessible  Score: 5/10

No one around to ask photo of church.


Inaccessible 20th May 2016  11:23  by Father Ted

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Inaccessible  Score: 5/10

I parked outside one of the houses on Post Office Lane and wend for a quick walk with the dog up the lane and into the fields, admiring the castle and the renovation work on it, before coming back to explore the church and its grounds. Needless to say there was nobody around to give me access onto the roof today. Apart from obviously not seeing the rivet I couldn't see the vane or flagstaff either. I did find the cut bench mark however. I then went and had a look at the new sculpture of the miners lamp at the other end of the lane.

Astley Church Tower
Astley Church Notice Board
Astley Church Tower from the back
Astley Church History

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