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TP2095 - Cefn-Yr-Ogof
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OSGB36 trig archive spreadsheet - IW

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There are 68 photos for this trigpoint (view album).

This trigpoint:
Is ranked joint 606th with 17 other trigs (more).
Has a mean score of 7.02/10 (from 64 logged visits)
Was First logged: 7th Dec 2002
Was Last logged: 23rd Dec 2024

Of the 64 logged visits,
15 recorded a location and of these....

All were within 90m
The average error was 14m
5 were exact

ABERGELE ABERGELE Mynydd Marian Mynydd Marian slateloose slateloose rams rams VinceTP VinceTP Glaslyn Glaslyn COVID Trig Point Challenge COVID Trig Point Challenge Skypaddler Skypaddler Wheresthatpenguin Wheresthatpenguin Mickandkim Mickandkim Keith Stevens Keith Stevens Jeff Trig Point Jeff Trig Point arranc arranc CURRYSCRIM CURRYSCRIM Aye Jimmy Aye Jimmy caroleengel caroleengel COVID Trig Point Challenge COVID Trig Point Challenge Cefn-Yr-Ogof Cefn-Yr-Ogof [Zoom In/Out] [Hide Labels]

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Logged Visits:

Slightly damaged 23rd Dec 2024  15:44  by Toops

FB Number: S3550  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 7/10

Take the 3 steps of the triangle end with the poo bin, away from houses and walk up through the woods to the top

Not Logged 30th Oct 2024  15:46  by Guy Stott

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 7/10

Winding and gentle accent with great all round views

Good condition 1st Jun 2024  14:30  by 22thenext500

FB Number: S3550  Condition: Good  Score: 7/10

Walked from the common at Rhyd-y-foel up through the woods and delighted to find good paths despite not being shown on my map. Good vies north.

Slightly damaged 27th May 2024  15:05  by Cheshire Cat

FB Number: S3550  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 8/10

Walk up through the woods before emerging from the woodland onto the grassland in glorious sunshine. Great views.

Views from the Trig ©Cheshire Cat

Not Logged 11th May 2024  10:15  by Fran41

FB Number: S3550  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 8/10

Good condition 18th Nov 2023  15:07  by DeniseMc

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Access land, by pines . Approached from SE unfriendly signs

Slightly damaged 6th Oct 2023  08:02  by David Bremner

FB Number: S3550  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 7/10

From Rhyd-y-foel where I parked like a local on the green triangle. Couldn't find path as I went to the wrong point of the triangle! As such I blundered up through trees, gorse and bramble. None of this matters to me now, but if you get the correct corner you will find an easy way up! That was how I got back down. FB in place, no cap. Some damage to one corner. Good views and a typically wet n windy morning.

Slightly damaged 22nd Mar 2023  11:32  by Ian Robinson

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 8/10

Use wheresthatpenguin directions. Very good.

Not Logged 13th Aug 2022  18:29  by underhill

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 5/10

from abergele no access thru woods due to dispute of row Gwyrch Castle trust have blocked off footpaths

Good condition 23rd Feb 2022  00:00  by Trigpointerrier

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Slightly damaged 17th Jan 2022  15:00  by tim747

FB Number: S3550  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 6/10

Slightly damaged 19th Nov 2021  12:14  by VinceTP

Gridref: SH 91687 77302   FB Number: S3550  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 10/10

Parked on the village green by the bus and stop village hall. Took the path with the three little steps. At each fork bear right up the hill North. When you come out of the woods turn right up the steep slope, there is a faint path. then you will join the path turn South over the style and the trig is there. Lovely and white :-)

FP ©VinceTP
View over Colwyn Bay ©VinceTP
Trig ©VinceTP

Good condition 2nd Sep 2021  00:00  by ThePowells

FB Number: S3550  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

Easy parking on roadside. Pillar in good condition.

Good condition 27th Jul 2021  12:30  by Bennyg1188

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 8/10

Has been painted a much nicer white since previous logs.


Slightly damaged 20th Jun 2021  13:50  by Wheresthatpenguin

Gridref: SH 91690 77301   FB Number: S3550  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 9/10

Parked on Tan-Y-Gopa Road. Took the path from grid reference SH 91283 77035 which heads north. Once I reached the point on that path that was directly west of the pillar, I turned right and took a path that runs east right up to the pillar. Shortly, before you reach the pillar, there is a set of steps that needs to be climbed over. Great walk, great setting, and tremendous views, including of Colwyn Bay. Unfortunately, somebody has painted the pillar with very garish blue paint, the cap is missing, and there is a small chunk missing froim the top. 1 of 10 today in and around Rhyl, Prestatyn, and Colwyn Bay

Flush Bracket
Spider/Theodolite Mount
Pillar Colwyn Bay in the distance

Good condition 3rd May 2021  10:45  by Skypaddler

Gridref: SH 91690 77301   FB Number: S3550  Condition: Good  Score: 8/10

I approached from Rhyd-y-Foel scrambling through a wood, gorse hedge and rough scree with little or no path to follow. However, the summit had a good track running from Terfyn to Henblas. The pillar has been painted a gaudy blue. Good views.

Cefn yr Ogof pillar Wood behind and views to the hills in front©Skypaddler
Cefn yr Ogof pillar ©Skypaddler
Cefn yr Ogof bracket ©Skypaddler
Cefn yr Ogof spider ©Skypaddler

Good condition 3rd May 2021  10:45  by COVID Trig Point Challenge

Gridref: SH 91690 77301   FB Number: S3550  Condition: Good  Score: 8/10

see my entry as Skypaddler

Good condition 28th Apr 2020  10:40  by COVID Trig Point Challenge

Gridref: SH 91693 77313   FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 9/10

footpath access from Rhyd y Foel, pillar cap missing other wise in good condition, access through Gwrych castle is a problem at the moment due to ownership issues wrt to path ways?

Not Logged 26th Apr 2020  10:40  by Carolinejf

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 5/10

Good condition 6th Jun 2019  16:45  by Topofthemoor

FB Number: 3550  Condition: Good  Score: 8/10


Cefn-Yr-Ogof. Steps near the sign by the green.We walked through the woods to the left. When we came to the open views we went up the steep bank to the top going to the right towards the stile. Nice views.

Slightly damaged 24th Feb 2019  16:33  by WuzzerL

FB Number: S3550  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 8/10


Slightly damaged 24th Feb 2019  16:32  by Pritch227

FB Number: S3550  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 7/10

found the steps at the bottom corner of the green,path all the way up the hill to the wall then along a further path all the way to the pillar!


Slightly damaged 1st Feb 2019  10:00  by Jeff Trig Point

Gridref: SH 91689 77305   FB Number: S3550  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 8/10

Top corners slightly chipped and no central cap but pillar in generally good condition with great views apart from the plantation in one direction. Parked in village and followed path that starts at steps.

©Jeff Trig Point

Slightly damaged 28th Dec 2018  15:10  by FrankR

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 8/10

Parked on village and walked up zigzag trail. Nice views to West.

Slightly damaged 28th Jul 2018  13:36  by Earby Rambler

FB Number: S3550  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 8/10

Visited with P61,started off on wrong route at first but soon found the path up to pillar,fantastic views weather brightening up now.Path up starts at steps at GR 91324 76979.

Way up

Slightly damaged 28th Jul 2018  13:36  by painterman61

FB Number: S3550  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 7/10

Struggled starting out to this then good paths fine views trig ok

trig ©painterman61
top ©painterman61
fb ©painterman61

Not Logged 10th Jun 2018  14:18  by Robert Kemp

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 5/10

Good condition 25th Apr 2018  17:30  by Alancache

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

Walked up from outside Gwrych Castle - I was glad to get to the top. Very windy by the pillar. I walked back down a different way.

The Pillar and View

Slightly damaged 31st Dec 2017  15:16  by Aye Jimmy

Gridref: SH 91691 77309   FB Number: S3550  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 6/10

Ascent from Terfyn, route much the same as that of greenbell, passing an ogof on the way. Very showery.

Cefn-yr-Ogof The trigpoint, some damage to top. One sight hole open to NNE.
Cefn-yr-Ogof The FB, of the BSM type. Faces SSW.
Cefn-yr-Ogof Top of trig, bitumen cap smashed.
Cefn-yr-Ogof The ogof.

Slightly damaged 24th Dec 2017  11:04  by greenbell

FB Number: S3550  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 7/10

Quick dash up before Christmas Eve dinner, rain showers pushing to the coast from the mountains but blue skies just hanging on. Up from Terfyn - steep zig zag route from the driveway staying to the west of the pine woods - new stile over the wall near the top.

Slightly damaged 10th Nov 2017  13:30  by Thejenkies

FB Number: S3550  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 8/10

Parked in the small village and found the secret path mentioned in previous log. Short sharp pull up to the pillar but well worth the effort. Great views at the top to the North,west and South.

PJ at Cefn-Yr-Ogof pillar ©Thejenkies
Cefn-Yr-Ogof pillar FB ©Thejenkies

Slightly damaged 4th Oct 2017  10:09  by slateloose

Gridref: SH 91600 77300   FB Number: S3550  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 7/10

Parked on street in Terfyn and use footpath up the south side of old quarry which zig-zags its way to old wall heading southeast to trig point.

Slightly damaged 20th Jan 2017  17:43  by Walker Dan

FB Number: S3550  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 8/10

Parked as suggested by The Jack Rustles for a simple ascent in the warm sunshine today. Felt very springlike but a bit cooler on the top. Nice views.

Slightly damaged 11th Oct 2016  12:42  by CURRYSCRIM

Gridref: SH 91693 77306   FB Number: S3550  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 6/10

Took a while to get to this one. Parked by a gate on the road towards Rhyd-y-foel from the A547 and followed paths and tracks in a general North West and uphill direction and then headed east. Could not find a way up when heading west initially. Good views to round off a ramblers holiday with the East Staffordshire Ramblers and 16 trigs as a bonus to the walks. Note, only two of us are triggers and are regarded as slightly eccentric, so nothing new there!

Good condition 11th Oct 2016  00:00  by rams

Gridref: SH 91600 77300   FB Number: S3550  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

took a while to get to this one, parked by gate on roadto rhyd-y-foulfrom a547, followed path and tracks managef to find a way to the trig at the top good views to round of a ramblers weekend


Slightly damaged 3rd Aug 2016  16:41  by thejackrustles

FB Number: S3550  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 8/10

YSM372 Cefn-Yr-Ogof T2.5 D3 The Hill bagging website said 'Park on wide streets of housing estate at 913778. A tarmac road leads up diagonally to a house and a narrow gate and path to the left continues up through the wood with 2 zig zags and to the top.' So we tried the hoose nearest the top of the hill but he was reluctant to let us park and we'd probably have had to walk through his garden to get into the wood. However after some sweet talking from Mr U2 he let us know about a secret path between two boulders down at 'the green' which went up the hill and along to the trig. So we took this (N53° 16.747' W3° 37.918'). Took a man path in one section which was very steep but direct otherwise relatively painless.

Mrs TJR at Cefn-Yr-Ogof ©thejackrustles

Good condition 3rd Aug 2016  16:39  by gerryu2

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 8/10

The Hill bagging website said 'Park on wide streets of housing estate at 913778. A tarmac road leads up diagonally to a house and a narrow gate and path to the left continues up through the wood with 2 zig zags and to the top.' So we tried the hoose nearest the top of the hill but he was reluctant to let us park and we'd probably have had to walk through his garden to get into the wood. However after some sweet talking from Mr U2 he let us know about a secret path between two boulders down at 'the green' which went up the hill and along to the trig. So we took this (N53° 16.747' W3° 37.918'). Took a man path in one section which was very steep but direct otherwise relatively painless.

Slightly damaged 19th Jun 2016  16:40  by Dusty

FB Number: S3550  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 6/10

Flush Bracket

Good condition 8th Aug 2015  22:42  by Last again

FB Number: S3550  Condition: Good  Score: 7/10

First of the three trig points visited today. Parked in Rhyd-Y-Foel village then wandered around until I found a path then it was plain sailing. The path, although steep, lead me right to the summit then it was off to the pillar which was a lovely walk with fantastic views.

Good condition 11th Dec 2014  12:45  by mattcymru

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 8/10

Most recent visit of many. Always come up from Gwrych castle and head west, can visit tower on way. Not much views this time was hoping for snow.. trig needs repainting, the weather is grim up here. Went down very dangerous and wet steps and caves. Nice new big stile to get over wall

Cefn-yr-Ogof Paint fading!©mattcymru
Cefn-yr-Ogof Cefn trig from approach from north©mattcymru
Cefn trig from south approach ©mattcymru

Good condition 7th Jun 2014  16:00  by NonCompassMentis

FB Number: S3550  Condition: Good  Score: 7/10

We (I) made hard work of this, the way up to the trig that I had chosen was equivalent to T5, as we approached the summit we came across a well worn path, "looks like there might be an easier way" uttered Rach, I said nothing and continued. The views were as expected, bendigedig! We descended the easier way.

Good condition 19th Aug 2013  12:20  by Chalky

FB Number: S3550  Condition: Good  Score: 7/10

BSM type FB. Remains of asphalt plug. Approached from SW, path then open hill. Recently elevated HuMP.

Slightly damaged 28th Jul 2013  14:00  by Rick Trig

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 8/10

A nice spot on a beautiful day. Great views. Parked at Craig Lwyd, walked across road junction, a couple of yards up a track then left up a worn path towards the top. Mrs Trig would not walk through the woods so we followed the path around to the trig.

Damaged 23rd Jun 2013  14:32  by jcb1705

FB Number: S3550  Condition: Damaged  Score: 5/10


Slightly damaged 14th Jun 2013  06:47  by tom

FB Number: S3550  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 6/10

The pillar stands on a grassy hilltop to the west of Abergele. It was reached by means of a path up through the disused quarry at Terfyn and then following the ridge top tracks to the summit. The pillar has a coat of peeling white paint and has a chunk missing from its northwest corner. It has FB BsM 3550 and the spider has the remnants of an asphalt plug. The nearby woods restrict the view eastwards. The view to the north is over Colwyn Bay and the Great and Little Ormes to a vast expanse of the Irish Sea. Large green hills could be seen to the south and west. Some peaks of Snowdonia were on the western horizon and parts of the top of the Clwydian Range were in the distance to the southeast. The northern end of the hill, beyond the woods allows a big view over Rhyl and along the coast to the east. Much of the hill is part of the Llanddulais Limestone and Gwrych Castle Wood SSSI.

Slightly damaged 29th May 2013  13:15  by arranc

Gridref: SH 91692 77304   FB Number: S3550  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 6/10

excellent new HuMP!

Slightly damaged 24th Nov 2012  12:00  by dugswell2

FB Number: S3550  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 8/10

Via track that starts around SH 91310 77810 to the tower in the wood then the trig with the help of "trigging on an island" our local guide for Des Taylor's Welsh HuMP completion. He still has to go back to rebag the real top of The Verne in the prison.

Slightly damaged 24th Nov 2012  00:00  by rupertal

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 6/10

Bagged in a group to celebrate Des Taylor's completion of the English and Welsh HuMPs.

Slightly damaged 17th Sep 2012  16:15  by dugswell2

FB Number: S3550  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 9/10

Parked by village hall then went up track at SH 91390 76960. Then through garden, over gate then two tricky fences to steeper ground and then trig. What a view.

Slightly damaged 21st Aug 2012  00:00  by caroleengel

Gridref: SH 91694 77306   FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 5/10

park on Ffrdd Newydd Road (in Terfyn - to north). Follow drive/track (in SSE direction) to house, path off to left

Good condition 7th Apr 2012  14:00  by welsh rambler

FB Number: S3550  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

Got up through the woods behind Gwrych castle, good views from here looking west.

Slightly damaged 26th Dec 2011  11:30  by asbown

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 7/10

Followed route from Mickandkim's log,another with good views.

Slightly damaged 3rd Jul 2011  15:10  by ocean soul

FB Number: S3550  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 7/10

Followed route described by MickandShane ..Excellent views out to sea and towards Snowdonia on beautiful sunny day ...

Slightly damaged 4th May 2011  12:26  by trigging on an island

FB Number: S3550  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 9/10

I visited this trig pillar on a circular walk from Old Colwyn, following the North Wales Path for part of the way. The Dulas valley is one of my favourite local beauty spots and this turned out to be a great mid spring day to see it in all its glory.

Looking across the Dulas valley
The newly painted pillar (November 2012)
The newly painted pillar (January 2015)

Slightly damaged 21st Jan 2011  14:45  by Mickandkim

Gridref: SH 91690 77301   FB Number: S3550  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 7/10

Parked near farm to south next to Hay rolls took path over stile just after caravan on rough route to top. Found four foxes at top which split four ways and ran into woods(nice start to the day)


Good condition 14th Aug 2010  09:54  by Dun100an

FB Number: S3550  Condition: Good  Score: 10/10

On a caching tour of the area.

Slightly damaged 3rd Jun 2010  12:15  by Meirion

FB Number: S3550  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 7/10

After spending what seemed like ages walking through the warren of paths through the trees I eventually came out on the hill. I then followed the wall up to the pillar. A very steep hill but well worth the effort for the views. There is a chunk of concrete missing from the top - OS database has it down as vandalised.

S3550 ©Meirion
The pillar ©Meirion

Slightly damaged 9th Sep 2009  16:03  by Terry L

FB Number: S3550  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 7/10

Top corners damaged. No plug [but remains of asphalt]. Public. Access Land. SSSI. Site entered from north [Terfyn]. Steep ascent through old quarry, then follow path along edge of wood. Trig just in front of trees at summit of this impressive hill. Wall just before reaching it is broken down & easily crossed.

Cefn-Yr-Ogof pillar

Good condition 19th Jun 2009  10:30  by Glaslyn

Gridref: SH 91690 77300   FB Number: S3550  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Bit of a pain. Accessed fromlane to the S at high point. V limited parking. Up bank, few fences then onto acess land. Superb views. Pillar good.


Slightly damaged 23rd Aug 2006  14:33  by mattwaggie

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 5/10

Slightly damaged 8th Jul 2006  15:45  by mickandshane

FB Number: 3550  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 6/10

The area is well walked by locals and not private, although there is no signage saying as much. Easiest way to access area is to park on the little yellow road at Rhyd-y-foel. Walk up the track that leads to T-y-moel and just as you reach the house turn left onto a footpath. This eventually leads out onto the hillside and just before you reach the trees turn right and follow a path that leads up to the trig. Good views. Tarmac plug.

Slightly damaged 14th May 2006  19:15  by Caroline

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 5/10

Slightly damaged 11th Mar 2005  14:34  by Keith Stevens

Gridref: SH 91690 77301   FB Number: S3550  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 7/10

On a rough hill near a wooded area, looking out towards the Orms. Damaged on top. Walked area, but private

Flush Bracket

Slightly damaged 7th Dec 2002  12:00  by peregrinus

FB Number: S/3550  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 9/10

resin plug, slightly chipped, S above the numbers. Limestone, lovely hill & view.

The TrigpointingUK database is owned and maintained by Ian Harris (Teasel). The TrigTools pages are provided by Barry Hunter. Contact us.