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TP2846 - Druim Na H-Achlaise
[UK map]
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Good Good condition
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Highland Region
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OSGB36 trig archive spreadsheet - IW
Druim Na H-AchlaiseNH40/20NH40S020213466.70803394.33540.6963PILLAR01/06/1959101/05/1959N0

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There are 12 photos for this trigpoint (view album).

This trigpoint:
Is ranked joint 197th with 1 other trig (more).
Has a mean score of 7.67/10 (from 9 logged visits)
Was First logged: 19th Mar 2009
Was Last logged: 12th Dec 2024

Of the 9 logged visits,
4 recorded a location and of these....

All were within 12m
The average error was 9m
The closest was 3m

nozzer nozzer coinea coinea clochandighter clochandighter BigJ BigJ Druim Na H-Achlaise Druim Na H-Achlaise [Zoom In/Out] [Hide Labels]

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Logged Visits:

Good condition 12th Dec 2024  13:47  by trigpointingargyll

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 9/10

Stunning views whilst on snowy tracks today towards Cluanie Forest and the surrounding hills. I can imagine this would be a wet one underfoot in the damper months, but the ground was frozen today and views were plentiful.


Good condition 1st May 2021  13:21  by nozzer

Gridref: NH 13471 03382   FB Number: S9797  Condition: Good  Score: 8/10

Visited with big J

The Pillar Looking towards Cluanie and Ciste Dhubh in the centre©nozzer

Good condition 1st May 2021  13:14  by BigJ

Gridref: NH 13467 03391   FB Number: S9797  Condition: Good  Score: 9/10

Limited roadside parking at Tomdoun. Followed the old metalled road roughly north until opposite Lochan Bad an Losguinn. Here a good track leads through the trees and on to the well defined stalkers path. This was followed to the pillar. Great views especially to the west where the usual game of naming the visible peaks was enjoyed. Also bagged the neighbouring Tump on the way down as well as a bonus rivet on a milestone near Tomdoun. With Nozzer.

Good condition 11th Mar 2014  17:30  by spidym

FB Number: S9797  Condition: Good  Score: 9/10

Parked on the C1144 road (off the invergarry route to lochalsh)then headed straight north to the pillar. Fantastic day for it, and amazing views from the top, Including Loch Loyne

The trigpoint Amazing day for it

Good condition 6th May 2012  10:18  by peregrinus

FB Number: S9797  Condition: Good  Score: 7/10

vgc, cylindrical trig, no cap or plug. From Tomdoun, took the car in a little way, then walked the still-metalled road. Bit messy at start of path but stalkers path up E ridge is good, as were the views on a fine Spring morning. Descended more directly via the 392m summit - which despite the extravagant bog-marking on the 1:50k was trail-shoe dry underfoot

Trig looking W to South Shiel ridge
Trig looking SE to Ben Tee et al

Good condition 19th Mar 2012  20:08  by Oldhortus

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Good condition 3rd Sep 2011  12:19  by coinea

Gridref: NH 13471 03383   FB Number: S9797  Condition: Good  Score: 7/10

Good condition 3rd Sep 2011  12:16  by clochandighter

Gridref: NH 13471 03385   FB Number: S9797  Condition: Good  Score: 7/10

Overall approach from southeast. Safe parking on south side of unclassified road at NH152009. Followed 'the road to the isles' to NH155037, over gate and followed mapped path westwards to trig. Rough deer grazing land. Vanessa in good condition. Spider centre open. flush bracket faces eastwards, compass reading 95°. Three sight holes open, FB face plugged. 360° lost to low cloud on day of visit.

S9797 - Druim Na H-Achlaise pillar & FB
S9797 - Druim Na H-Achlaise & self
G1771 was there!
submerged the road to the isles

Good condition 19th Mar 2009  16:00  by Chalky

FB Number: S9797  Condition: Good  Score: 8/10

VGC. No cap or plug. Cylindrical.

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