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TP4378 - Layhams Farm
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Good Good condition
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Greater London
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OSGB36 trig archive spreadsheet - IW
Layhams FarmTQ47/T233TQ47T233539831.77162308.30157.8923PILLAR01/06/1945101/06/1969N0

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There are 21 photos for this trigpoint (view album).

This trigpoint:
Is ranked joint 19876th with 71 other trigs (more).
Has a mean score of 4.04/10 (from 23 logged visits)
Was First logged: 9th Oct 1994
Was Last logged: 14th May 2022

Of the 23 logged visits,
7 recorded a location and of these....

All were within 32m
The average error was 9m
2 were exact

Addington Recreation Ground Addington Recreation Ground Addington Silo Apex Addington Silo Apex Chertsey Court Chertsey Court Wolsey School Tower Wolsey School Tower West Wickham Church Tower West Wickham Church Tower Fairchilds School Fairchilds School Police Transmitting Station Police Transmitting Station Biggin Hill Control Tower Biggin Hill Control Tower Biggin Hill ATC Tower Biggin Hill ATC Tower Mill House Keston Common Mill House Keston Common Towerfields Towerfields widget widget orlando rat orlando rat Mickandkim Mickandkim oldskidmark oldskidmark caroleengel caroleengel barryhunter barryhunter Alan Grove Alan Grove Layhams Farm Layhams Farm [Zoom In/Out] [Hide Labels]

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Logged Visits:

Good condition 14th May 2022  12:17  by Trigger monster

FB Number: S3351  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Tricky to find. Not visible from the road after a couple of dive pasts. Nor visible from road on foot. Pulled over in entrance to farm on west side of road to the south of the pillar. Road busy with vehicles and cyclists, giving me puzzled looks. One motorist stopped to ask if I was ok, which was kind. Looked into the hedge at this point twice, having just caught sight of an old metal gate deep in the hedge. First time not properly not believing it would be so well hidden. Carried on walking then went back and looked again. Had to climb into the hedge through the prickly bushes to get pictures. Wooden gatepost is right against the pillar. Cleared off ivy as much as possible. Need a chainsaw to cut chunks out of the hedge though. Rewarding find. Raised S prefix. No views!

Layhams Farm Flush plate
Layhams Farm Inside the hedge, looking south
Layhams Farm After a bit of tidying up, luckily FB faces north
Layhams Farm Position to enter hedge marked.

Good condition 6th May 2018  19:15  by orlando rat

Gridref: TQ 39832 62308   FB Number: S3351  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Parked by entrance to farm, opposite the Social Club entrance. I then walked along the busy road with cars going stupid speeds. Found the pillar amongst brambles, took pictures and then fell out into the road. Luckily there was no cars coming along at the time.

Layhams Farm

Good condition 19th Apr 2018  22:41  by thejackrustles

FB Number: S3351  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Parked in entrance to stables, dark by now so thought that would be ok, walked down road, dodgy in dark to trig and my heart sank to see the Hawthorne and brambles surrounding the trig! Managed to squash a few but still got stratched to pieces getting a picture of the FB. Took half the bushes with me getting back to road, most in my hair! Met the owner of the stables on the way back, I’d blocked his gate and he needed out! He asked me curiously if I was lost and explained about my odd hobby. He said I was lucky anything was left in my car as there are a few undesirables in the area apparently.

Layhams Farm collage

Good condition 13th Oct 2016  12:40  by Nekyram

FB Number: S3351  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Park by gate, trig in hedge.

Good condition 13th Feb 2016  00:00  by caroleengel

Gridref: TQ 39833 62313   FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

After a bit of gardening, now an easy road side trig. Parked in entrance of Holmshaw Farm to south

Good condition 6th Jul 2014  13:05  by dal

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 4/10

Deep in a hedge - although not the worst I have found in recent weeks (see Whitchurch Hill). As I didn't want to scratched and nettled, I sufficed with pulling the ivy aside a bit with my walking pole.

Good condition 25th May 2014  16:10  by Trigpoint100

FB Number: S3351  Condition: Good  Score: 3/10

I suspect this is my lowest scoring extant trig as it is a s*d - what looked like an easy bag on the way home from Cudham turned out to be anything but. The road is (and Kent drivers are) lethal, and the trig so buried in brambles and cleavers that it needed probing by a walking pole to find it. Eventually hacked a way through to find it is structurally sound, asphalt cap, s/holes completely indeterminate, nothing else to say about it!

Good condition 26th Apr 2014  17:00  by oldskidmark

Gridref: TQ 39834 62308   FB Number: S3351  Condition: Good  Score: 4/10

Hidden by foliage and debris. Just about made out the flush bracket

Layhams Farm Trig
Layhams Farm Spider

Good condition 25th Aug 2012  11:30  by Mickandkim

Gridref: TQ 39832 62308   FB Number: S3351  Condition: Good  Score: 3/10

On busy road by gate

Good condition 27th Jul 2012  16:30  by craftinessa

FB Number: S3351  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

Good condition 27th Jul 2012  16:30  by swampysean

FB Number: S3351  Condition: Good  Score: 3/10

Slightly damaged 3rd May 2012  20:00  by Dart More

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 4/10

A long run out from the edges of Croydon to find this forlorn specimen - not as bad as I'd thought it might be from previous logs, but a most inauspicious spot indeed. Grey day, but wouldn't have been any views to speak of if it hadn't been !

Good condition 2nd May 2011  08:52  by THE CYCLIST

FB Number: S3351  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Good condition 27th Dec 2010  14:15  by Trigger

FB Number: S3351  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10


Good condition 20th May 2009  14:31  by AndyG

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 4/10

I didn't bother to climb over the rubbish to confirm the FB number.

Good condition 26th Sep 2008  22:15  by bluebeard

FB Number: S3351  Condition: Good  Score: 1/10

it is the LOCATION that is damaged (not the TP)

Slightly damaged 24th Jul 2007  05:00  by Original Pickaxe

FB Number: S3351  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 2/10

Oh Dear.......what a sorry Trig location this is. A nice country drive from Biggin Hill aerodrome is spoilt once you arrive at the Trig. Buried beside a metal gate that is stacked high with rotting logs. Accompanied with old tyres and other rubbish any visitor will not feel the need to linger. What can be seen of the Trig is in fair condition with odd chips and knocks , the Spider is once again of the filled centre variety , the Flush Bracket is as it should be. Not much more to be said..........

Trig ©Original Pickaxe
Flush Bracket ©Original Pickaxe
Spider ©Original Pickaxe
Trig Buried ©Original Pickaxe
Trig ©Original Pickaxe

Slightly damaged 6th Aug 2006  15:28  by barryhunter

Gridref: TQ 39834 62318   FB Number: S3351  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 3/10

slightly buried and basically in a pile of rumble and a metal post as a close neighbour (oh and a dead sheep, eww!) Plug looks like the asphelt veriatiy. Reasonable views to the NWW.

Good condition 10th Sep 2005  12:00  by peregrinus

FB Number: S/3351  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

vgc, asphalt plug, W side of road by S gatepost. S above numbers.

Montaged by J Rouse ©peregrinus

Good condition 11th Aug 2005  12:30  by Griefmiester

FB Number: S3351  Condition: Good  Score: 4/10

Right next to road, well overgrown

Layhams Farm

Good condition 19th Jan 2005  16:25  by NeverLost

FB Number: S3351  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Sitting next to the gatepost at the entrance of a field from the road. Very easy.

Flush bracket
The trig

Good condition 3rd Jun 2003  13:06  by Alan Grove

Gridref: TQ 39830 62324   FB Number: S3351  Condition: Good  Score: 3/10

Found the pillar sitting in a field masquerading as a gatepost. The gate wasn't actually attached, but that was the first impression.

TP4378 TP4378 at Layhams Farm - The FB is in the undergrowth at the base of the pillar©Alan Grove
TP4378 FB TP4378's Flush Bracket©Alan Grove

Good condition 9th Oct 1994  00:00  by widget

Gridref: TQ 39800 62300   FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 4/10

West edge of road by field entrance. No views beyond 800m.

The TrigpointingUK database is owned and maintained by Ian Harris (Teasel). The TrigTools pages are provided by Barry Hunter. Contact us.