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TP5491 - Polmont
[UK map]
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Destroyed Destroyed
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OSGB36 trig archive spreadsheet - IW
PolmontNS77/T135NS77T135293708.21678483.870.0003PILLAR01/06/198401Destroyed 10/91
PolmontNS77/T135NS77T135293708.15678483.8378.2113PILLAR01/06/1947101/04/1957N1Refixed 1984

Nearby trigpointsplacenames 

There are 4 photos for this trigpoint (view album).

This trigpoint:
Is ranked joint 24613th with 6 other trigs (more).
Has a mean score of 2.12/10 (from 25 logged visits)
Was First logged: 1st Aug 1985
Was Last found intact: 1st Aug 1985
Was Last logged: 15th May 2024

Of the 25 logged visits,
3 recorded a location and of these....

All were within 24m
The average error was 8m
2 were exact

ICI Tower ICI Tower Scws Laundry Roof Scws Laundry Roof Wallacestone Wallacestone Redding Hill Redding Hill Stadium Flats Stadium Flats Rainhill Rainhill Kendieshill Farm Kendieshill Farm Millhall Resr Millhall Resr Nicolton Nicolton Vellore Vellore Avonbridge Avonbridge Inveravon Inveravon Mickandkim Mickandkim Border Peat Border Peat descarte1 descarte1 Polmont Polmont [Zoom In/Out] [Hide Labels]

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Selection of photos for this Pillar.

By Trigger monster
By Trigger monster
It's here.(Maybe) Probably under the raised earthen bank
By Cootking

By iainmac

Logged Visits:

Destroyed 15th May 2024  09:45  by Robert Phillips

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Destroyed  Score: 5/10

Destroyed 31st Dec 2023  20:54  by Madam maxwell

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Destroyed  Score: 0/10

Someone's garden

Destroyed 9th Aug 2023  20:53  by Kctrig

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Destroyed  Score: 5/10

Possibly missing 7th Aug 2022  12:58  by Trigger monster

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Possibly missing  Score: 2/10

Showing on 1976 OS map, no 65 Landranger. Uphill from Polmont, north east of railway station. Didn’t look too promising seeing the large earth banks behind properties on Skye Drive. Checking on here, fears were realised. Possibly buried under the earth. Would developers have to get permission to remove or bury a pillar even though they are redundant?

Polmont Looking east along earth bank behind houses
Polmont Cheeky chappie sitting on the earth bank to the west, needed to photograph something

Destroyed 3rd Nov 2020  16:21  by Border Peat

Gridref: NS 93708 78484   FB Number: S3598  Condition: Destroyed  Score: 2/10

Destroyed 27th Jan 2020  13:15  by A1Mushroom

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Destroyed  Score: 5/10

Sadly not there.

Destroyed 12th Jun 2019  14:50  by asbown

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Destroyed  Score: 5/10

Had no plans to come here until i read the logs below, just had to do it then.

Destroyed 12th Jun 2019  14:50  by The reluctant trigger

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Destroyed  Score: 5/10

Destroyed 5th Feb 2017  10:25  by Cootking

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Destroyed  Score: 5/10

What am i doing on my 60th birthday visiting a housing estate to photograph something that disappeared long ago? Cold and wet too. On a plus note it's another tick!

It's here.(Maybe) Probably under the raised earthen bank

Destroyed 21st Apr 2016  18:09  by Aqueously90

FB Number: S3598  Condition: Destroyed  Score: 0/10

Log #313. Gone, didn't even bother looking too hard for any remains. [ExP-225/MiP-25/Rev-2/BM-20/IS-31/Other-10]

Destroyed 28th Dec 2011  13:00  by Mickandkim

Gridref: NS 93708 78484   FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Destroyed  Score: 0/10


Destroyed 18th Jul 2010  18:05  by descarte1

Gridref: NS 93706 78508   FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Destroyed  Score: 0/10

Had a crash around in the undergrowth behind the house and on top of the berm (just shy of being in the back gardens). Nothing to be seen. The GPS would indicate is was in a spot now under a garden but, oddly, I wasn't going to bother ringing the doorbell to ask if I could accurately stand on the spot a concrete pillar used to be....agentmancuso might have it right! No obvious trig debris behind the berm although plenty of brickwork....would have had good views across the firth prior to destruction, development and tree planting though!

Couldn't find it 16th Aug 2009  17:51  by SlainteJimmy

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Couldn't find it  Score: 1/10

Behind No.4 Skye Drive? Hard not to agree with Garvald... I trailed along the top of that man-made mound.. plenty of paving slabs, rocks and debris - nothing resembling a pillar but some of those trees look older than 1985. My bet is that its buried along with the lower bark of the bigger trees.

Destroyed 30th Jan 2009  14:10  by Late starter

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Destroyed  Score: 0/10

Re: agentmancuso's log - things have to be pretty bad to bother with this missing trig...we must be a pretty sad lot!

Destroyed 30th Jan 2009  14:10  by Bergfuehrer

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Destroyed  Score: 0/10

Stirlingshire. I agree with agentmancuso - but he is certainly not alone!

Destroyed 1st May 2008  21:30  by agentmancuso

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Destroyed  Score: 5/10

Driving around in the dark, in a housing estate in Falkirk, looking for a lump of concrete that you know isn't there. How did things get so bad?

Destroyed 2nd Mar 2007  17:38  by andyc

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Destroyed  Score: 2/10

Nice area of Polmont but no trig anymore.

Destroyed 16th Jul 2005  10:17  by clochandighter

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Destroyed  Score: 0/10

Twenty years on, I have revisited, S3598 was still there for me in 1985, now it's not. Regretably I didn't have my camera with me back then. A new line of bungalows has appeared along the north side of an extended Syke Drive. Trig site seems to be in a back garden about 40% of the way along from the west end of the line to a public footpath through the houses. They seem to have quarried these houses into the summit of the hill which probably provided the earth for the berm behind. I believe locals tried to save this summit. Whether or not the profit hungry property developer handed a well filled brown envelope to Falkirk Council planners will never be proved. Undergrowth on berm too time consuming to start fighting. S3598.R.I.P.

Destroyed 13th Jul 2005  09:11  by rhayader_wanderer

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Destroyed  Score: 1/10

I'll try and pull up the detail plots of the area to check but I think it is now a garden rather than part of the berm

Couldn't find it 10th Oct 2004  12:00  by peregrinus

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Couldn't find it  Score: 5/10

narrow earth bank behind houses, not seen but couldn't be sure it isn't still lying in scrub. On 1998 LR65. Os trig archive: Refixed 1984, Destroyed 10/91.

Destroyed 3rd Jun 2004  13:15  by sky high boys

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Destroyed  Score: 1/10

Gone, gone, gone.

Destroyed 15th Feb 2004  17:45  by fasgadh

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Destroyed  Score: 3/10

On my old map, but now bungalows, Skye Drive or something similar.. The developers piled up a berm to hide/protect the bungaloids from Grangemouth.

Destroyed 4th Feb 2004  12:00  by iainmac

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Destroyed  Score: 0/10

Revisited with 10 digit grid ref as I was passing.

Destroyed 9th Jan 2003  12:00  by iainmac

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Destroyed  Score: 0/10

Second visit and a more thorough look. New houses may have rung its demise. Trig not marked on the 1:25000 map (c) 1994.

Good condition 1st Aug 1985  12:00  by clochandighter

FB Number: S3598  Condition: Good  Score: 1/10

One point because I saw this trig pillar standing as S3598 in 1985. A Polmonter told me in 1989 that locals were campaigning to keep the high point as an open public space, but then property developers & planning departments - you all know what I mean, but I'm not saying anything actionable. Grrr!

The TrigpointingUK database is owned and maintained by Ian Harris (Teasel). The TrigTools pages are provided by Barry Hunter. Contact us.