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TP5752 - Roundthorn
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OSGB36 trig archive spreadsheet - IW

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There are 56 photos for this trigpoint (view album).

This trigpoint:
Is ranked joint 9909th with 77 other trigs (more).
Has a mean score of 5.19/10 (from 47 logged visits)
Was First logged: 10th Aug 1995
Was Last found intact: 18th Jul 2023
Was Last logged: 11th Dec 2024

Of the 47 logged visits,
15 recorded a location and of these....

All were within 118m
The average error was 19m
1 was exact

PENRITH PENRITH Penrith Church Tower Vane Penrith Church Tower Vane Penrith Beacon Penrith Beacon slateloose slateloose senrabyar senrabyar clochandighter clochandighter RogerTempleman RogerTempleman caroleengel caroleengel CJO CJO nozzer nozzer Mickandkim Mickandkim Jimpy Jimpy CURRYSCRIM CURRYSCRIM Downfaller Downfaller jonglew jonglew lepustimidus lepustimidus widget widget chrisbombington chrisbombington Roundthorn Roundthorn [Zoom In/Out] [Hide Labels]

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Logged Visits:

Not Logged 11th Dec 2024  09:33  by Singularity

FB Number: S6476  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 5/10

A wander up from the nearby Quarry and Nature reserve after some minor entanglement crossing the barbed wire fence pillar quickly located before hastily retreating back to open land.

Trig view

Good condition 18th Jul 2023  15:09  by thejackrustles

FB Number: S6476  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Also parked up at the entrance to the Nature Reserve and followed what on a dry day probably would be a pleasant path to the top of the reserve. Over the fallen down wall, over a not so floppy in my eyes barbed wire fence, up through the field to the next fence, which is also barbed and which I crossed at the corner after passing two dead sheep, one long deceased and one more recent. Into the pheasanty woodland where the trig can be found. No view. Didn't much enjoy this one due to wet conditions and the fences, really miss Scotland and right to roam!

Roundthorn selfie ©thejackrustles
Roundthorn collage ©thejackrustles

Slightly damaged 26th Jun 2023  16:50  by Mark-UKUS

FB Number: S6476  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 7/10

Parked up at the entrance to the Nature Reserve and followed the pleasant path up to the top, cut a couple of corners by clambering up some of the steeper parts. Climbed over the broken wall and floppy barbed wire to enter the adjacent field then followed the wall to the wooded area. Over that wall and into the woods. Had to use my OS app to locate the pillar. Base is starting to become exposed. Strangely the location on the OS app is slightly off from the actual, hard to believe it's been moved a few feet to the south though. Great views of the Lakeland Fells and Northern Pennines on the way up but nothing but trees at the pillar.


Good condition 19th Mar 2023  10:30  by BasilDowl

FB Number: S6476  Condition: Good  Score: 7/10

The first of a quick round in the Penrith/Shap M6 corridor. Reading previous logs, I expected this one to be difficult; accessing the pillar is actually very straightforward but it really does feel conspicuously trespassy. Beacon Edge road is wide enough to park next to the entrance of the very discreetly signposted public nature reserve, Cowraik Plantation. Apart from a kissing gate and a very small named plaque, you'd struggle to know this was not private land. We followed the surprisingly steep uphill trail by the wall to the north-west corner of the plantation, and hopped over the wall, then over a taut barbed wire fence, west across the sheep field and then over the wire fence again to enter the wood. The pillar sits a fair way into the trees to the north west. It is in fine, weathered condition with a full set of metalwork and no views to speak of. Easy to find, then - but there is a busy stables in view of the uphill track, and you're almost in view of the sheep farm when crossing the field, and there were a lot of sheep (thankfully gathered at the far end away from us) to avoid disturbing. I can see why some prefer to ask permission from either landowner and approach this in a different way.

Discreet signage at the gate
At the walled corner, looking north-west to the wood
Lots of badger activity in the woods
Through the trees
The pillar
The top of the pillar
The cap
The flush bracket

Good condition 19th Jun 2022  12:36  by The Trudges

FB Number: S6476  Condition: Good  Score: 7/10

Flush Bracket ©The Trudges
Spider with original centre cap ©The Trudges
View from spider ©The Trudges
Trig©The Trudges

Good condition 19th Jun 2022  12:02  by MickSan

FB Number: S4676  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10


Good condition 1st Jun 2022  16:15  by TrevSym

FB Number: S6476  Condition: Good  Score: 4/10

The trig is in the middle of a forest so not much of a view. I parked on the roadside just north of the Roundthorn Hotel and crossed two fields, north side of these field, to the forest edge, no walls or fences to climb as the field gates are in the correct place to give easy access to the forest and the trig.

Roadside view. The view of the forest were the trig is situated from the roadside.©TrevSym
Roundthorn Trig ©TrevSym

Good condition 22nd Jan 2022  14:40  by nozzer

Gridref: NY 53893 31171   FB Number: S6485  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Asked the passing framer if we could visit the trig, to which he did not known there was a Pillar in the wood. There would have been good views before wood was planted. Very muddy gateways in the fields. Visited with Downfaller

Good condition 22nd Jan 2022  14:27  by Downfaller

Gridref: NY 53900 31167   FB Number: S6476  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

Relatively easy pillar, Out on the bikes and returning from a ride up to Beacon Hill - called in to grab a log on this one. Fortunate for us, the farmer just happened to be coming up the road on his quad, which allowed us the opportunity to seek permission to access. I’am guessing here, judging by the farmers reaction to the request - he hadn’t been challenged in the past !! He granted us access a little bemused. Having made the log and returning back down the road he stopped us and asked if we had a picture of whatever we were chasing across fields into wooded areas looked like. Intrigued by a picture of a giant concrete block stuck out of the ground. It went on the go and look list at the next visit. Pillar surrounded by trees, so visibility zero. All metal work intact.

Good condition 15th Oct 2021  13:35  by dugswell2

FB Number: S6476   Condition: Good  Score: 7/10


Good condition 9th Oct 2021  13:55  by G4VFL

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

From the south Cowraik Quarry Nature reserve entrance. Simple route but involves climbing over 3 walls.

Good condition 18th Apr 2021  12:19  by paulxtr

FB Number: S6476  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

From the nature trail. Not sure what animals are being kept near the start of the nature trail but there was a rank pong in the air. Had to cross a lambing field en-route to the woods and there was the ugly scene of two ewes that had died giving birth. Pillar in vgc.

Roundthorn ©paulxtr

Good condition 26th Dec 2020  00:00  by Axe Edge

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

Came up via Cowraik Quarry. The trigpillar is hidden amongst a separate plantation of trees and is in very good condition. Nearby is an active badger sett. Tracks, "snuffle holes" and dung located. I gift to a C2C attempt going ahead at this moment.

Good condition 18th Sep 2020  15:00  by RogerTempleman

Gridref: NY 53890 31169   FB Number: S6476  Condition: Good  Score: 8/10

Good condition 4th Jun 2020  09:50  by Alison Caryl

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Good condition 19th Jan 2020  15:20  by slateloose

Gridref: NY 53800 31100   FB Number: S6476  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Same route as others through Nature reserve, very spooky in wood breaking branches under foot and put pheasant to flight.

Good condition 24th Sep 2019  06:45  by David Bremner

FB Number: S6476  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Room for a few cars to park by Cowraik nature reserve. Up the path through the nature reserve then I took a branch to the left when things got steeper.Over the fence into a sheep field then over another in to the copse that's home to the trig. To describe this place before sunrise I would use Dame Edna's beloved adjective 'spooky'. Easy find however and trig in very good condition with all fixings in place.

Good condition 24th Mar 2019  09:55  by Pritch227

FB Number: S6476  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

easier than expected,up through nature reserve to the top of the hill,then over 2 relatively low wire fences into the woods


Good condition 31st Jul 2017  17:40  by jonglew

Gridref: NY 53899 31172   FB Number: S6476  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Parked at start of the quarry walk. Horsey people in the horsey field so up through the woods into a pasture and into conifer plantation to pillar. Original cap retained, deeply indented lettering; LHS sight hole open. No views.

Pillar TP5752©jonglew
Spider TP5752©jonglew
Flush Bracket TP5752©jonglew

Good condition 22nd May 2017  15:40  by Nekyram

FB Number: S6476  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

Parked on road,then followed the edge of two fields,then into woods to trig.

Good condition 15th May 2017  11:42  by CURRYSCRIM

Gridref: NY 53896 31171   FB Number: S6476  Condition: Good  Score: 4/10

Accessed through Cow Raik quarry and two barbed wire fences into the wood. Hardly any views.

Not Logged 2nd Apr 2017  16:30  by Thomas David Whitaker

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 4/10

1 point for being in good condition , 2 points for the attractive approach through Cowraik Quarry and 1 point for all the badger setts close by. No view. At least we enjoyed the hospitality at Yanwath Gate Inn prior to setting off.

Good condition 6th Dec 2016  15:11  by sky high boys

FB Number: S6476  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Excuse for a leg stretch.

Good condition 27th Nov 2016  14:10  by Moacky

FB Number: S6476  Condition: Good  Score: 7/10

Regular route up through nature reserve amd alomg field edge to wood. Soon spotted.


Good condition 6th Aug 2016  09:32  by Earby Rambler

FB Number: S6476  Condition: Good  Score: 7/10

Visited with P61 on 24 Trig day out.


Good condition 6th Aug 2016  09:32  by painterman61

FB Number: S6476  Condition: Good  Score: 7/10

First of day up through nature reserve then a bit of wall climbing trig in a spooky wood in vgc only woody views light was probably as good as it could be today nice little walk.

Trig ©painterman61
Top ©painterman61
Trig ©painterman61
Fb ©painterman61
View to penrith ©painterman61

Good condition 1st Dec 2015  09:30  by gerryu2

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

I brought my "access all areas" pass down from Scotland. Parked at road and walked along the side of the muddy fields then along wall until I found a decent bit to jump over. Trig not easy to spot in the woods until you are on top of it.

Another wet day

Good condition 30th May 2014  00:00  by caroleengel

Gridref: NY 53893 31168   FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Good condition 28th Apr 2014  08:23  by trigging on an island

FB Number: S6476  Condition: Good  Score: 4/10

Early morning walk from Penrith also taking in Beacon Hill HuMP.

Good condition 1st Mar 2014  14:00  by stan toon

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

Came in from west....bit trespassy the way I went.

©stan toon

Good condition 2nd Feb 2014  00:00  by rupertal

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Good condition 16th Nov 2013  08:15  by Mickandkim

Gridref: NY 53895 31170   FB Number: S6476  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Nice walk up through woods Crossed fence at fallen tree

Good condition 20th Jul 2013  14:41  by vegibagger

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

With Trig Pillocksson. Lovely shady forest on a hot day.

Trig Pillocksson ©vegibagger

Good condition 5th Jul 2013  14:18  by jlc

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 4/10

decided to use public transport. took bus to Penrith, went to the Beacon first, then walked along the road to the quarry. walked round the barbed wire fence, looking for a gap, then struck lucky. a tree had fallen on to the fence, I was able to use this to climb over. I to got to about ten yards from the trig before I saw it.

Good condition 9th Mar 2013  11:20  by CJO

Gridref: NY 53894 31168   FB Number: S6476  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Walk up from nature reserve quarry. Snow starting to settle. Pillar not spotted until within 10m.


Good condition 5th Nov 2011  14:07  by senrabyar

Gridref: NY 53901 31094   FB Number: S6476  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Nearly misled by my old 1:25000 map. TP is in the trees.

Good condition 14th May 2011  09:50  by ted

FB Number: S6476  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

Up by side of nature reserve then edge of field into wood. Plug intact, one sighting hole open, no view. Location seemed a bit surreal.

Roundthorn tree, tree, tree, trig, tree, tree, ...
Roundthorn FB
Roundthorn top

Good condition 5th Apr 2011  18:30  by PeteBoggs

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 4/10

Took path through Cowraik Quarry nature reserve and nipped up through trees to trig - no views


Good condition 1st Sep 2010  09:04  by clochandighter

Gridref: NY 53893 31161   FB Number: S6476  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

Wooded top. Pillar in good condition. Spider retains OS centre cap with deep indented letters. Flush bracket faces 297° WNW. Vented through southmost sight hole. No view due to trees.

S6476 - Roundthorn & GRP
S6476 - Roundthorn pillar & FB

Good condition 16th Jul 2010  15:30  by bluebeard

FB Number: S6476  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

Good condition 15th Apr 2009  11:59  by Jimpy

Gridref: NY 53894 31172   FB Number: S6476  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

High score given for unusual location - in the middle of a pheasant wood! Nice sunny day - short walk over a couple of fields, through a broken down drystone wall and a barbed wire fence - nice wood

General shot with wood as backdrop©Jimpy
General Environment©Jimpy

Good condition 8th Oct 2006  11:00  by chrisbombington

Gridref: NY 53900 31200   FB Number: S6476  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Cross two fields just in the wood,views very restricted

Trig & inserts FB and Plug
Nearby view from Beacon edge towards Blencathera about 14 miles away

Good condition 7th Oct 2006  12:00  by peregrinus

FB Number: S6476  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

vgc, metal cap deep letters. Open pinewood, no view. ~30m in from SW corner, not at edge as expected from my 1980 LR90. Quarry to SE is nature reserve.

Good condition 3rd Jul 2005  16:00  by mickandshane

FB Number: S6476  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

We parked at the disused Cowraik quarry to the south which is now a nature reserve and gives you public access so far. To get to the trig still involves a stone wall and barbed wire fence once you get to the very top of the quarry. Head for the wood to the north-west (where there is a lot of evidence of gamekeeper activity) and the trig is about two thirds of the way in. No views, plug with heavily indented lettering.

Good condition 3rd Jun 2005  12:00  by iainmac

FB Number: S6476  Condition: Good  Score: 2/10


Good condition 26th Jan 2005  15:30  by lepustimidus

Gridref: NY 53901 31172   FB Number: S6476  Condition: Good  Score: 0/10

Trig surrounded by trees.From road to wnw 2 fields/3 gates, then a wall climb and through barbed wire into enclosure.

Good condition 10th Aug 1995  00:00  by widget

Gridref: NY 53900 31200   FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 1/10

Went to get fish & chips and strayed! Horrid trig. Stuck 25m inside midgy plantation. No views from here but nearby they're spectacular.

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