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TP6075 - South Onthank
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Slightly damaged Slightly damaged
Flush Bracket :
OSGB36 Station :
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Strathclyde Region
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OSGB36 trig archive spreadsheet - IW
South OnthankNS44/T34NS44T034242449.61640185.9381.9823PILLAR01/06/1950101/05/1961N0

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There are 29 photos for this trigpoint (view album).

This trigpoint:
Is ranked joint 16829th with 84 other trigs (more).
Has a mean score of 4.60/10 (from 30 logged visits)
Was First logged: 29th Apr 1997
Was Last logged: 29th Oct 2024

Of the 30 logged visits,
8 recorded a location and of these....

All were within 7m
The average error was 4m
1 was exact

KILMARNOCK KILMARNOCK Greenhill Greenhill North Woodhill North Woodhill West Hillhead Farm West Hillhead Farm Buntonhill Mount Buntonhill Mount Burns Monument Burns Monument Northcraig Resr Northcraig Resr Rowallan Creamery Rowallan Creamery East Wardlaw Farm East Wardlaw Farm CJO CJO Aqueously90 Aqueously90 Quadbarrel Quadbarrel coinea coinea caroleengel caroleengel Mickandkim Mickandkim Border Peat Border Peat arranc arranc South Onthank South Onthank [Zoom In/Out] [Hide Labels]

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Logged Visits:

Slightly damaged 29th Oct 2024  15:46  by NormanW

FB Number: S4217  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 5/10

Easy from the street to the East where there is a gate through the wire fence into the field.

Slightly damaged 27th May 2024  11:03  by katmac

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 5/10

Very easy to find and hardly any effort needed to cross the grass bank to reach the pillar.

Damaged 5th Mar 2024  14:00  by Julie24_7

FB Number: S4217  Condition: Damaged  Score: 5/10

Easy bag whilst visiting family in Killie. On edge of Onthank estate with views out across fields towards hills. Chunk of concrete missing on top.

Onthank S4217 ©Julie24_7

Slightly damaged 28th Feb 2024  10:00  by Robert Phillips

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 5/10

Slightly damaged 27th Mar 2023  10:18  by A1Mushroom

FB Number: S4217  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 5/10

Easy walk from the road.

Slightly damaged 16th Jul 2018  15:37  by campagvelocet

FB Number: S4217  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 4/10

Son dislodged a couple of small pieces of concrete trying to scale the pillar. View west quite pleasant. Estate didn't feel particularly shady.

Slightly damaged 7th Apr 2017  00:00  by caroleengel

Gridref: NS 42454 40180   FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 5/10

Slightly damaged 31st Mar 2016  09:22  by Aqueously90

Gridref: NS 42447 40185   FB Number: S4217  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 3/10

Log #302. In Kilmarnock this morning to pick up some computers for a client, so stopped for a quick trig-bag. Simple walk over grassy parkland from road to NE. Pillar is straddling the line between "damaged" and "slightly damaged", with a significant chunk out of one corner and some assorted chips and scrapes. The cap is surprisingly still attached though. I can now say I have been to "The Scheme"! [ExP-220/MiP-22/Rev-2/BM-18/IS-30/Other-10]

Damaged SW corner
Crack/poor mix around top

Slightly damaged 17th Mar 2016  16:52  by thejackrustles

FB Number: S4217  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 5/10

Parked in housing estate for a very quick walk over park land to trigpoint.

Damage to top of trigpoint ©thejackrustles
Mrs TJR at South Onthank ©thejackrustles
South Onthank Collage

Slightly damaged 19th Sep 2015  11:30  by Wubbleyew

FB Number: S4217  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 5/10

Walked up from Kilmarnock Station (took about 25 minutes) to find this trig in its green setting with good views northwards. The pillar should perhaps now be marked 'damaged', because there are two significant chunks gouged out of the top. Slight damage to the cap & spider; all four sight holes open. Then back down to have a look around the town (picking up two intersected stations) before making for friendly Rugby Park: Kilmarnock 2-1 St Johnstone.

Slightly damaged 23rd May 2015  08:45  by Mickandkim

Gridref: NS 42450 40186   FB Number: S4217  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 4/10

Easy park and short walk on estate field

Converted 26th Oct 2014  13:17  by garryp383

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Converted  Score: 5/10

what better way to pass a wet winday day than a driveby trig point!

Slightly damaged 4th Sep 2013  10:00  by kizzyhugz

FB Number: S4217  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 5/10

Slightly damaged 26th Apr 2013  17:57  by CJO

Gridref: NS 42447 40182   FB Number: S4217  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 5/10

Slight damage to spider and cap, with some evidence of concrete weathering, but as others have said in suprisingly good condition given its urban setting. The surrounding grass land has been neatly mown with little if any litter or debris evident. good views to north.


Good condition 7th Jan 2013  19:30  by Arran Trigman

FB Number: S4217  Condition: Good  Score: 7/10

This trig is in fantastic condition considering it is next to a large housing estate made famous from the tv programme "The Scheme"

Slightly damaged 9th Nov 2011  09:51  by hc67

FB Number: S4217  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 3/10

run down area...made famous by the tv prog "the scheme"

Slightly damaged 30th Jul 2011  15:00  by rose and thistle

FB Number: S4127  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 4/10

A suprisinbg find when out geocaching in the area. All the spray paint has been cleaned up. The spider is slightly damaged. Good views over the Clyde to Arran. Shame the other side is of starvin marvin scheme

Slightly damaged 30th Jun 2011  16:26  by Border Peat

Gridref: NS 42453 40183   FB Number: S4217  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 6/10

Parked in housing est, easy walk to trig nobody about S4217©Border Peat

Slightly damaged 10th Apr 2011  14:30  by Quadbarrel

Gridref: NS 42450 40183   FB Number: S4217  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 4/10

Interesting trig location on the edge of Kilmarnock. Greeted on a lovely warm April day by rock music from the sun bathing locals. Not hard to find and in surprisingly good condition considering where it is. Didn't hang about.

Flush Bracket
Circular Plate
Good View
Not So Good View
Master QB at the Trig ©Quadbarrel

Slightly damaged 23rd Feb 2011  16:25  by arranc

Gridref: NS 42454 40183   FB Number: S4217  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 4/10

Slightly damaged 10th Jul 2010  17:13  by coinea

Gridref: NS 42454 40180   FB Number: S4217  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 5/10

Pouring rain, rivers running in the gutters, soggy field, heaps of doggy-doo, broken glass----

S4217 South Onthank.

Slightly damaged 27th Jun 2009  15:00  by descarte1

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 6/10

Remarkably good condition considering proximity to estate. Easy access with car park to SE of the trig. Good views to Craigie's ex-trig, Arran and so on. Don't look east, the views are not so good. Pillar in relatively decent condition with crack just below top. Cap present, but obviously messed with. Spider in good condition but seems oddly off centre. All sightholes are open. SW/NE is clear through, SE/NW is blocked with a stone and a golf ball. Oddly satisfying bag, for some inexplicable reason.

South Onthank Top + Cracking South Onthank trig pillar top + cracking + off centre spider/cap.
South Onthank SW/NE Sighthole View down the SW/NE sighthole.....bolt seem hidden under some....crud.
South Onthank SE/NW Sighthole View down the SE/NW sighthole. Blocked with tons of rubbish including coins and...a golf ball! The other side is blocked with a large stone.

Slightly damaged 27th Jun 2009  14:59  by pog

FB Number: S4217  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 6/10

Slightly damaged 20th Jun 2009  11:00  by ocean soul

FB Number: S4217  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 5/10

Bagged en route to catch ferry to Arran en route to Islay.Pillar in middle of green on rough looking housing estate on outskirts of Kilmarnock.

Slightly damaged 20th Jun 2008  22:01  by rhayader_wanderer

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 5/10

easy to get to housing estate parking and car mainly in sight, some views

Slightly damaged 18th May 2008  13:03  by SlainteJimmy

FB Number: S4217  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 4/10

The cap shows signs of earlier abuse and has been painted rural green (the spider too), wearing a bit below the repair work with all sights open.

South Onthank ..abused cap.

Slightly damaged 25th Mar 2007  12:00  by peregrinus

FB Number: S4217  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 4/10

old crown repair, metal cap cross-threaded, deep letters, middle of public open space

Slightly damaged 24th May 2005  16:00  by agentmancuso

FB Number: S4217  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 5/10

Felt a bit sorry for this trig. Covered in spray paint, and cracked round the top. Decent view to Arran on one side, grim view to Kilmarnock on the other.

Slightly damaged 29th Mar 2004  12:00  by iainmac

FB Number: S4217  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 1/10

Top has been repaired at some time but signs of cracking again.


Slightly damaged 29th Apr 1997  11:55  by clochandighter

FB Number: S4217  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 3/10

Visited to record FB number. HISTORY: Pillar completed 18th September 1947 costing £9.8s.4d. Computed as tertiary triangulation station NS44/T34 in 1950. Levelled in 1961. Last maintained by the OS in July 1978. SITE VISIT: Pillar trunk in fair condition but cracked around the top. Damage probably started by frost then with added local assistance. Spider centre still retained OS plug with stamped lettering. Slightly battered flush bracket faces southwest. Located on an open public space on the outskirts of Kilmarnock. Unfenced access from the NE to south. Photographed 29/04/1997, GRP.

S4217 - South Onthank Photographing the flush bracket was not a pleasant job, somebody had recently emptied their dog there.

The TrigpointingUK database is owned and maintained by Ian Harris (Teasel). The TrigTools pages are provided by Barry Hunter. Contact us.