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TP6401 - The Mains
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Slightly damaged Slightly damaged
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OSGB36 trig archive spreadsheet - IW
The MainsNS77/T184NS77T184297190.98680613.464.7484PILLAR01/06/1948101/06/1964N0

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There are 25 photos for this trigpoint (view album).

This trigpoint:
Is ranked joint 12514th with 322 other trigs (more).
Has a mean score of 5.09/10 (from 22 logged visits)
Was First logged: 24th Aug 2003
Was Last logged: 15th May 2024

Of the 22 logged visits,
8 recorded a location and of these....

All were within 13m
The average error was 4m
2 were exact

BONESS BONESS Avonbridge Avonbridge Inveravon Inveravon Sighthill Sighthill Upper Kinneil Upper Kinneil Waukmilton Waukmilton Woodhead Woodhead Balderston Balderston Craigmailen Uf Ch Sp Craigmailen Uf Ch Sp Jetty Mast Jetty Mast coinea coinea agentmancuso agentmancuso fasgadh fasgadh clochandighter clochandighter caroleengel caroleengel descarte1 descarte1 Mickandkim Mickandkim Boys from the Dyes Boys from the Dyes The Mains The Mains [Zoom In/Out] [Hide Labels]

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Selection of photos for this Pillar.

Pole marks Position Of Pipe
By A1Mushroom
By A1Mushroom

View to Grangemouth
By andyc
See 20 more in the album.

Logged Visits:

Slightly damaged 15th May 2024  12:40  by Robert Phillips

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 5/10

From Belgica Furniture.

Slightly damaged 1st Jul 2021  13:47  by DekBagsTrigs

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 5/10

Trigs by Bus - easy walk through the field to the south but prevented from reaching the pillar by the now infamous ditch, tried the path from the west but chest high nettles, thistles and brambles made it impassible. Almost :(

Slightly damaged 12th Jul 2020  15:00  by A1Mushroom

FB Number: S4821  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 7/10

Third visit. The water in the ditch was low enough for me to find the concrete pipe. As you look at the small signs telling you of the pipe, it is 2m to the right and runs diagonally across the ditch. In the bank there is a concrete pad which states the pipe is below. The pipe runs from the pad to the marker pole on the other side, there is also a concrete pad on the other bank. Trampling down the reeds to be used as a mat and using my pole to make sure i kept close to the pipe i made it across the ditch and into the nettle / thistles on the other side.

FB ©A1Mushroom
Pole marks Position Of Pipe

Good condition 29th Jan 2020  17:28  by pricklyangelduo

FB Number: S4821  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

Like A1 mushroom before us we tramped around the edge of a very very muddy field to almost within touching distance, well if two trig geeks in their late sixties could have long jumped over the water channel we would have touched it. Got a pic and we will come back in the summer via the sea path hopefully ???


Slightly damaged 27th Jan 2020  12:54  by A1Mushroom

FB Number: S4821  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 6/10

Parked next to the field entry. Walked around the field through the ankle deep mud and found the dyke lapping the edge of the field. Due to the snow coming in side ways and the wife waiting in the car i didn't venture to far towards the sewage works to cross onto the other side and walk back along through the vegetation. Viewed the trig at a distance with a view to coming back in the spring / summer when the water level in lower.

Slightly damaged 27th Dec 2019  12:30  by Wubbleyew

FB Number: S4821  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 4/10

Perhaps, rather unwisely, I didn't prepare for this one, and set off with my usual optimism not realizing there was a tricky little stream of water to cross. All seemed well, for I spotted the pillar within minutes. All I had to do was cross the water. Should I take a running jump? Maybe not in wellies, I decided. Headed westwards hoping to come across a footbridge, but none appeared. Eventually reached the Waterworks track and a 'bridge over troubled water', and crossed there. Then the fun began! Crashed and thrashed my way through soaking vegetation taking what seemed ages before finally meeting up with pillar S4821 on its plinth. Cap in place; one s/h open. Continued eastwards until reaching a Recycling Centre where a helpful employee kindly directed me out to freedom!

Slightly damaged 22nd Sep 2018  00:00  by caroleengel

Gridref: NS 97194 80610   FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 5/10

re-visit after failed attempt in summer due to vegetation. Much easier late Sept. The bridge (pipe cover - looks like MDF but is metal) is at NS 97215 80591). I have left a wooden plank on the banking pointing down to this

Slightly damaged 11th Nov 2017  10:45  by coinea

Gridref: NS 97192 80608   FB Number: S4821  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 6/10

I avoided the dreaded ditch by going from the recycling site to the east. Had to get past the "Meet and Greet" staff on the gate. They said it was not really permitted but I could go because there weren't any gaffers about. Easy walk. Just need to follow the wide grassy track with the BP Pipeline markers.

S4821 The Mains

Slightly damaged 31st Jul 2016  11:25  by Cootking

FB Number: S4821  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 5/10

Visited this in the winter many years ago. Made the mistake of revisiting in mid summer. Chest high thistles, nettles etc Horrible horrible horrible.

It's in there!
Hiding in the undergrowth

Slightly damaged 21st Nov 2015  13:30  by Ham Mathieson

FB Number: S4821  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 5/10

Easily found but only thanks to excellent directions from previous visitors. Crossed ditch at gas pipe easy but definedly required wellies after recent rain fall. Advise to visit in winter/spring when vegetation is low.

©Ham Mathieson

Slightly damaged 29th May 2015  18:45  by Borderer

FB Number: S4821  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 5/10

Pillar with the lowest elevation visited. Followed the field boundary next to the factory units and crossed the drainage ditch using the concrete pipe protection by the marker some 30 metres east of the pillar. Got very wet as the field was in oil-seed rape and visited after a heavy shower. Good views if you like oil refineries.


Slightly damaged 28th Dec 2011  11:15  by Mickandkim

Gridref: NS 97191 80613   FB Number: S4821  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 4/10

Very wet field

Slightly damaged 6th Nov 2011  10:29  by descarte1

Gridref: NS 97191 80613   FB Number: S4821  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 7/10

Finally visited this fairly notorious pillar. In good condition apart from some chunks missing from the top corners and screed. Not full-on damaged, in my opinion (though not far off it). FB faces west-ish with east-ish sighthole open only. Views to Grangemouth is about it due to incredibly low altitude (and freezing fog not helping). Cap present with sunken lettering. Accessed the trig from the parking to the WNW and followed the moat down until at the trig. There are two crossing points making access to the trig fairly simple. Considering this is November, the vegetation is still pretty fearsome!

Slightly damaged 11th Oct 2009  14:10  by agentmancuso

Gridref: NS 97192 80608   FB Number: S4821  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 5/10

Easier than expected from Belgica Furniture. Round field edge, then over ditch by gaspipe marker - plank still there.

Slightly damaged 18th Jul 2009  12:45  by Boys from the Dyes

FB Number: S4821  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 5/10

Second visit here, a lot harder to get to pillar now. Very overgrown with nettles and thistles. Best way in is from recycle yard to the east.

The Mains pillar,spider and flush bracket.

Slightly damaged 22nd Sep 2007  12:00  by peregrinus

FB Number: S4821  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 4/10

top chipped, metal cap, deep letters, near base of bank in line with hedgeline, 5m back from ditch, in nettles. Birders' car park to W

Slightly damaged 24th Mar 2007  10:14  by Boys from the Dyes

Gridref: NS 97189 80626   FB Number: S4821  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 5/10

Approached from the road that goes toward the water works, and then crossed the ditch by a plank someone had kindly left; along the top of banking till I reached the pillar.

The Mains. Pillar, flush bracket and position. Slight damage to top edges. ©Boys from the Dyes

Slightly damaged 22nd Nov 2006  16:00  by andyc

FB Number: S4821  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 5/10

Parked in Belgica car park and went across very clarty field and jumped the ditch. Hard work for such a low trig.

The Mains
The Mains FB
View to Grangemouth
Big Ditch to Jump

Damaged 8th Oct 2004  15:40  by fasgadh

Gridref: NS 97194 80607   FB Number: S4821  Condition: Damaged  Score: 6/10

Bits missing off the corner. A few too many to be merely slightly damaged. An infamous beast, in thick undergrowth and guarded by a ditch and a landfill site. Went in from the west and found the crossing point near the pipeline marker. Nettlewhacked to the pillar. One of the lowest in Scotland at 4m.

The Mains Metal and damage
The Mains The dreaded ditch
The Mains look for the crossing place
The Mains The pillar

Slightly damaged 3rd Jun 2004  16:45  by sky high boys

FB Number: S4821  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 2/10

All top edges and arises are chipped. One edge has spalled right back to the spider. Jumped the stream, glad I didn't hit looked really skanky!

Slightly damaged 14th Dec 2003  12:00  by iainmac

FB Number: S4821  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 5/10

Went down track to west - entrance has a water company notice - to where track bends West. Room to park about 4 cars. The ditch goes under road near here so you can get up onto the bank few yards to West. Trig is not in the wasteland of the dump but next to ditch. Best to visit in Winter when vegetation has died back.


Slightly damaged 24th Aug 2003  13:48  by clochandighter

Gridref: NS 97194 80609   FB Number: S4821  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 5/10

Last of three consecutively numbered fourth order pillars added to secondary block NS77 in 1948, two to three years after the secondary and tertiary stations of NS77 were built. Pillar has minor damage to the top but is otherwise in good condition. Spider retains original OS plug with deep stamped font. FB faces WNW. Access is difficult due to long stagnant drainage ditch. Trig should be approached from SE via arable field. The only known crossing point over the ditch is at NS97218_80594 where a marked pipeline is buried. The trig is on wasteland and it is necessary to fight through, brambles, nettles and thistles to reach it. View to BP oil refinery at Grangemouth. Weather sunny. Originally visited in 1985, revisited and photographed 24/08/2003, GRP.

S4821 - The Mains pillar & FB

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