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TP0875 - Ardmore
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Good Good condition
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Strathclyde Region
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OSGB36 trig archive spreadsheet - IW

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There are 17 photos for this trigpoint (view album).

This trigpoint:
Is ranked 42nd (more).
Has a mean score of 8.07/10 (from 14 logged visits)
Was First logged: 21st Apr 2007
Was Last logged: 16th May 2024

Of the 14 logged visits,
4 recorded a location and of these....

All were within 18m
The average error was 11m
The closest was 2m

Eilean a Chuirn Lighthouse Eilean a Chuirn Lighthouse clochandighter clochandighter caroleengel caroleengel coinea coinea jonglew jonglew Ardmore Ardmore [Zoom In/Out] [Hide Labels]

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Selection of photos for this Pillar.

Flush Bracket
S8849 Ardmore
By coinea

See 12 more in the album.

Logged Visits:

Good condition 16th May 2024  15:31  by jonglew

Gridref: NR 47219 50697   FB Number: S8849  Condition: Good  Score: 8/10

Final pilar on Islay and surrounding islands. Parked at Kildalton Church ruins. Walked to last cattle grid before the house then a left turn and down to the beach. Lovely area. Pillar sits ~0.5m from the summit of the hill. Original centre cap retained, raised lettering; RHD side sight hole open.Extensive panoramic views.

Pillar TP0875©jonglew
Spider TP0875©jonglew
Flush Bracket TP0875©jonglew

Good condition 12th May 2024  17:53  by coinea

Gridref: NR 47223 50688   FB Number: S8849  Condition: Good  Score: 8/10

With clochandighter

S8849 Ardmore

Good condition 12th May 2024  17:51  by clochandighter

FB Number: S8849  Condition: Good  Score: 8/10

Revisit. Similar route to last year but due to high tide the coastal route was not possibe. The diversion took a route around the big house, and down through some well maintained grounds. Many high gates to negotiate but they were all openable.

Good condition 13th May 2023  18:48  by thejackrustles

FB Number: S8849  Condition: Good  Score: 10/10

3rd of the 8 I have left on Islay! Parked at church and took estate track all the way to Ardmore House, it was late and I was tired so ended up going quite close to the house and ended up in the very well manicured garden which eventually lead down to the beach. From here I headed up towards the headland that the trig sits on. Stunning views. Headed back via beach and gate and path at NR 46768 50795 which avoids the house completely, you might struggle to do this at high tide.

Ardmore selfie ©thejackrustles
Route ©thejackrustles
Ardmore collage ©thejackrustles

Good condition 13th May 2023  17:31  by clochandighter

Gridref: NR 47212 50677   FB Number: S8849  Condition: Good  Score: 8/10

Approached from the west. Easy public parking beside the ruined Kildalton Church. The easiest route is via the mapped drive to Ardmore House, cutting down to the sea just short of the house. The route then follows the coastline until the climb of Ardmore Point itself. The trig is then within easy reach. Pillar in good condition. Spider retains original centre cap with large narrow raised letters. Flush bracket faces southwest, compass measurement 209°. Pillar vented through right sight hole. 360 panoramic view incomplete due to sea haar.

Good condition 13th Jun 2022  11:36  by janineharris44

FB Number: S8849  Condition: Good  Score: 10/10

Third Islay Trig 2022. On walk from Kildalton cross. Followed track to the cove and then around the headland to Ardmore Point as tide out. Sat on a rocky outcrop overlooking the cove with the mountain range behind. Stunning location. Trig in excellent condition, all parts intact and freshly painted white.


Good condition 26th Jul 2021  21:29  by Trigobsession

FB Number: S8849  Condition: Good  Score: 8/10

Good condition 7th Jun 2021  13:43  by pricklyangelduo

FB Number: S8849  Condition: Good  Score: 8/10

A lovely walk from Kildalton cross on a sunny day.

Good condition 18th May 2017  09:52  by sky high boys

FB Number: S8849  Condition: Good  Score: 8/10

Cracking spot onna cracking morning. Had an hour to play with at KIldalton Cross so made the most of it.

Good condition 10th Mar 2017  20:14  by Chalky

FB Number: S8849  Condition: Good  Score: 8/10

Spider retains centre cap with raised lettering.

Good condition 29th Apr 2015  17:41  by greenbell

FB Number: S8849  Condition: Good  Score: 8/10

Nice to see such a looked after trig, recently painted. Stunning views down the Sound. All the better for comparing with the photo included in the Islay coast book bought for me - heartily recommend it!

Tired out after a walk to MacArthur's Head - but just had to be done, lured by the Celtic cross

Good condition 13th Jun 2012  00:00  by caroleengel

Gridref: NR 47225 50684   FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

From ruined church to west. Park at Private Road sign. (NR459509).Ahead at junction of track in wood to reach beach (NR 467508). Walk round coastline (OK when tide out) to avoid house gardens, some of which run down to the coast (amazing place to live)

Good condition 3rd May 2007  12:39  by Skerryvore

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 8/10

Visited as part of my coastal walk round Islay. Seemed to take ages to get here, but beautiful location looking down towards Ardmore House and Bay and eastwards to the Paps of Jura.

View towards Jura
NNE towards Jura

Good condition 21st Apr 2007  12:00  by peregrinus

FB Number: S8849  Condition: Good  Score: 8/10

vgc, metal cap, wide raised letters. V attractive headland, nice view. Pasture.

S8849 fb ©peregrinus
S8849 top ©peregrinus
S8849 trig ©peregrinus
S8849 trig ©peregrinus

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