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TP1579 - Bramley Resr
[UK map]
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Moved Moved
Flush Bracket :
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West Yorkshire
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OSGB36 trig archive spreadsheet - IW
Bramley ResrSE44/T41SE44T041423720.11435040.76152.55213PILLAR01/06/1989101/11/1962N0GPS HT 152.5 NCE 89
Bramley ResrSE44/T41SE44T041423720.17435040.76152.5523PILLAR01/06/1947101/11/1962N1

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There are 124 photos for this trigpoint (view album).

This trigpoint:
Is ranked joint 9648th with 66 other trigs (more).
Has a mean score of 5.23/10 (from 115 logged visits)
Was First logged: 6th Jan 2000
Was Last found intact: 4th Sep 2024
Was Last logged: 11th Oct 2024

Of the 115 logged visits,
25 recorded a location and of these....

All were within 102m
The average error was 38m
4 were exact

PUDSEY PUDSEY HORSFORTH HORSFORTH Owl Cotes Owl Cotes Farsley Church Tower Flagstaff Farsley Church Tower Flagstaff Low Mills Chimney Low Mills Chimney Pudsey Church Tower Centre Pudsey Church Tower Centre Rodley 33KV Sub Station Rodley 33KV Sub Station Leeds Leeds Pudsey Office Pudsey Office Pudsey Church Spire Pudsey Church Spire Hough Top Hough Top Bramley Reservoir Mast Bramley Reservoir Mast Alexandra House Alexandra House Whitecote Whitecote Hawksworth Hawksworth Elmfields Water Tower Elmfields Water Tower Sandford School Sandford School St Bedes Church Tower Centre St Bedes Church Tower Centre Moor Grange Moor Grange crammy47 crammy47 slateloose slateloose bettyb bettyb manonabike manonabike wrose wrose johnbamforth johnbamforth The RockKnocker The RockKnocker MKP MKP Mickandkim Mickandkim caroleengel caroleengel caroleengel caroleengel rowleybirkin rowleybirkin Trigbagger Trigbagger graeme1527 graeme1527 bobrab bobrab srichy20 srichy20 dogwalking dogwalking CJO CJO Ronaldo333 Ronaldo333 Aye Jimmy Aye Jimmy Griefmiester Griefmiester John DCC John DCC RogerTempleman RogerTempleman G1XJO G1XJO catman catman Bramley Resr Bramley Resr [Zoom In/Out] [Hide Labels]

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Selection of photos for this Pillar.

By Trigger
By Trigger
Bramley Resr
By ted

By John DCC

By The RockKnocker
See 117 more in the album.

Logged Visits:

Moved 11th Oct 2024  11:07  by Lynnebe

FB Number: S3876  Condition: Moved  Score: 5/10

Very easy access from S where there is a missing vertical fence slat. The grass trod was also very obvious. Easy bag. On a long circular from Rawden over Leeds Country Way, a few Trigs, Owlcotes Hill and the canal tow path. Very pleasant

Good condition 4th Sep 2024  11:40  by Hands

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 4/10

Followed the footpath up the steps to view the trig from the railings, wandered around the compound but the gap in the fence was to small for me.


Not Logged 17th Mar 2024  03:54  by Fran41

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 5/10

Not Logged 20th Jan 2024  09:55  by matty1971b

FB Number: S3876  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 5/10

at top of Bramley Park but inaccessible as in fenced off Yorkshire Water land - they could easily move the fence around it, spoilsports

Good condition 17th Nov 2023  14:27  by MKP

Gridref: SE 23720 35041   FB Number: S3876  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Moved 3rd Nov 2023  12:52  by bobrab

Gridref: SE 23729 35101   FB Number: S3876  Condition: Moved  Score: 5/10

Not Logged 29th Aug 2023  18:44  by Fran42

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 5/10

Moved 27th May 2023  04:26  by Trigger

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Moved  Score: 5/10


Not Logged 22nd Apr 2023  17:36  by StewB

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 5/10

My 500th trig & almost a trig too far...Pass thro' the academy gates & park on the curving access road to the right of the reservoir. With the academy on your right, follow the path to head left aound the perimeter fencing to locate the gap created by the missing slat. Passing thro' the gap, with the perimeter fencing to your left proceed straight on to the trig situated in a corner behind the mast. Inquisitive as to a different approach, thro' the gap in the wall to the left of the perimeter fencing? Squirming & slithering like a snake I finally made a final lunge forward to free my legs & feet of the gap onto the grass banking...Little did I know the grass banking, only a coupl'a feet wide, terminated in a sheer 6 foot drop. Somehow I managed to control the forceful lunge forward & prevent myself from toppling 'head first' over the wall but not without suffering some shin injury...Four days on the cuts, bruising & knee swelling testify to a lucky escape. The moral of this short tale...Seems us 'trig baggers' will go to the 'ends of the earth' to 'bag' a trig without really considering the inherent dangers we perhaps put ourselves in...No trig is worth sustaining severe personal injury for. Having surpassed the gap in the wall, no the trig point was not accessible from this route, you're left outside the perimeter fencing needing to climb the wall/fence corner for access.

Moved 29th Dec 2022  12:10  by ted

FB Number: S3876  Condition: Moved  Score: 7/10

Annual revisit. Usual access route still available; no change in trig condition. Breezy day.

Bramley Resr trig
Bramley Resr trig
Bramley Resr trig

Moved 27th Oct 2022  12:02  by rowleybirkin

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Moved  Score: 7/10

First visit since re-location of pillar. Parked in Broad Lane and walked up footpath opposite house number 470 near Beacon Pub. Pillar is very close to mast now and about 64 metres from its original location, thoughtfully placed with flush bracket facing path. Thanks to all concerned. Someone has attempted to bend one of the railings close to the pillar but not yet wide enough for an adult to gain access. A very misty day with no views of the Aire valley. Condition now covers 3 categories, strictly speaking.

Taken by putting camera through railings and using same to provide support when taking photo.
Flush bracket
Not wide enough !!
A stepping-stone maybe; for someone with very long legs and brave enough to attempt climbing over the security fence ?

Good condition 10th Jul 2022  15:40  by Romanaround

FB Number: S3876  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Moved 12th Jun 2022  12:52  by John DCC

Gridref: SE 23744 35103   FB Number: S3876  Condition: Moved  Score: 7/10

Moved 11th Jun 2022  15:15  by BasilDowl

FB Number: S3876  Condition: Moved  Score: 7/10

We had a great time here. Happy to report that access is still very easy - my route from a couple of years ago still holds, the fence has not been repaired and you can still get hands on to the pillar with a minimum of fuss. Pillar is in good condition, and pleasingly the OS plaque is still intact. Pillar #69 for DD.

The approach
The gap!
The pillar (1) Pillar #69 for DD©BasilDowl
The flush bracket
The top of the pillar
The pillar (2)
Access for all!

Moved 22nd May 2022  14:03  by fasgadh

FB Number: S3876  Condition: Moved  Score: 2/10

On display behind bars.

Bramley Reservoir ©fasgadh
Bramley Reservoir ©fasgadh
Bramley Reservoir ©fasgadh

Good condition 1st Oct 2021  15:58  by crammy47

Gridref: SE 23719 34968   FB Number: S3876  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Could have been very tricky to access but followed BasilDowl's excellent map and it was very easy. However, the gap in the steel fence does limit the girth of visitors. Don't have an extra piece of cake before this one. Not a great position but satisfying to bag when its so tucked away.

Bramley Resr Pillar 1 ©crammy47
Bramley Resr Pillar 2 ©crammy47

Not Logged 23rd May 2021  14:51  by Barry Parr

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 7/10

Fist find of the day well protected gy a very well built steel fence and stone walls

Not Logged 21st Feb 2021  18:47  by Running Rick

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 5/10

Behind a metal railing. Unable to access

Moved 7th Feb 2021  10:20  by ted

FB Number: S3876  Condition: Moved  Score: 7/10

Re-revisit on an overcast morning. Access still possible. Outside in and Inside out.

Bramley Resr trig
Bramley Resr trig
Bramley Resr top

Not Logged 30th Jan 2021  10:03  by Joanneward

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 5/10

Good condition 25th Jan 2021  12:49  by Multiterrainer

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

Visited again as part of a running/walking challenge

Not Logged 24th Jan 2021  16:55  by clare.evans1990

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 5/10

Good condition 11th Dec 2020  15:27  by MC4334

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

I parked on the main road an walked up the FP at 236 351, just at the top of the steps it’s behind the metal fence.

Not Logged 11th Sep 2020  14:53  by dharris

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 3/10

falling to bits

Moved 30th Jul 2020  15:00  by ted

FB Number: S3876  Condition: Moved  Score: 5/10

Revisit to a local trig. Further construction work is ongoing within the reservoir compound but does not seem likely to affect the pillar. A temporary fence, enclosing a spoil heap, obstructs access from the unused part of the site. Good views of the Aire valley - out of reach.

Bramley Resr trig

Not Logged 19th May 2020  16:45  by COVID Trig Point Challenge

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 7/10

Unreachable but visible 26th Mar 2020  16:10  by Multiterrainer

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Unreachable but visible  Score: 6/10

Nearest trig to home - at top of Bramley Park but inaccessible as in fenced off Yorkshire Water land (Bramley covered reservoir)

Good condition 27th Dec 2019  12:22  by Ronaldo333

Gridref: SE 23743 35099   FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Summit is the top of embankment secured by a stone wall at SE 23759 35102 (This is outside the fencing). Trig Point has moved to a position at SE 23743 35099 (inside the fencing) from it's OS Mapping position of SE 23720 35041.

Moved 25th Dec 2019  14:30  by ted

FB Number: S3876  Condition: Moved  Score: 6/10

Access route still available but settled for a view from outside the fence. Park busier than expected.

Bramley Resr trig

Moved 3rd Oct 2019  16:00  by BasilDowl

FB Number: S3876  Condition: Moved  Score: 7/10

I parked on Broad Lane and walked up the Academy/mast access road. Having read other descriptions of the way in, it appears that the route previously used (as described by srichy 24/03/15) has been been fenced off. I found another way in: starting at the Academy car park, take the footpath/track heading round the reservoir, with the school on your right, and it then turns left - and in front of you, as the path follows the wall and turns right again - is a section of fence that has been damaged. The wall has a bar fence, which is topped by barbed wire, but for the 6ft closest to the reservoir fence, the barbed wire has gone and there is a bar missing from the fence. If you're not reasonably svelte the squeeze through the bars could become an indelicate climb over, but either way you're soon into a field of long grass and a clear trod straight to the pillar. The trig is in excellent shape and going by the grass treading, clearly gets a few visitors. Great fun.

The old way in...??? ... has recently been boarded up. The vegetation on the narrow route between wall and fence was almost impassible; it had been similarly boarded up at the other end.
The approach
The gap in the damaged fence...
The approach (2)
The pillar
The pillar (2)
OS plaque
The flush bracket (& snail...)
The top of the pillar
The pillar (3)
The previous access is now boarded up
The route I took

Moved 7th Jul 2019  17:27  by mreddy1

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Moved  Score: 7/10

Bagged after pinball league meeting.

Good condition 19th May 2019  18:43  by AndyBingley

FB Number: S3876  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Walked up a path from Broad Lane towards the mast and the location of the trigpoint.

Moved 21st Apr 2019  08:19  by eon

FB Number: S3876  Condition: Moved  Score: 5/10

(1339) Still early, but getting increasingly warm. Parked up by the shops on Broad Lane, and walked around the edge of the reservoir. 'Secret' route to get inside the compound is still available, though the pillar is located very close to the fence, and thus all is readily visible. Looks in fine condition, and sporting a OS plaque. On the way back to the car, I did spot other people within the compound, not workers by the look of it. Maybe the locals know of other additional ways in?

Pillar. ©eon
FB S3876 ©eon
Top. ©eon

Moved 15th Dec 2018  14:58  by Pritch227

FB Number: S3876  Condition: Moved  Score: 5/10

there are indeed ways to this one!!glad I've got an athletic figure!!!


Moved 15th Dec 2018  14:58  by WuzzerL

FB Number: S3876  Condition: Moved  Score: 5/10

felt quite good as could fit through the gap!!!!! nice looking pillar


Moved 26th Nov 2018  14:05  by ted

FB Number: S3876  Condition: Moved  Score: 5/10

Revisit; access still possible by careful inspection of the fence

Bramley Resr trig
Bramley Resr trig
Bramley resr trig

Good condition 7th Sep 2018  14:00  by Andy West

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Moved 12th Jan 2018  13:31  by bettyb

Gridref: SE 23700 35000   FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Moved  Score: 5/10

Moved 9th Jun 2017  14:46  by Aye Jimmy

Gridref: SE 23741 35103   FB Number: S3876  Condition: Moved  Score: 5/10

Revisit, couldn't get it last time (17/3/14) construction work. The narrow track seems to have been fenced off; but there are ways.

Bramley Reservoir The TP.
Bramley Reservoir The FB.

Moved 5th Jun 2017  19:05  by Griefmiester

Gridref: SE 23743 35103   FB Number: S3876  Condition: Moved  Score: 5/10

Parking to road to W then along ROW Pillar good condition, has been dug up and moved about 66m, behind high fence, FB facing out

Moved 18th Apr 2017  13:05  by RogerTempleman

Gridref: SE 23744 35104   FB Number: S3876  Condition: Moved  Score: 5/10

Moved 23rd Mar 2017  10:52  by asbown

FB Number: S3876  Condition: Moved  Score: 5/10

the secret path is no more, the new secret is secret, but don't be trying it after a full English breakfast.

Moved 23rd Mar 2017  10:52  by The reluctant trigger

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Moved  Score: 5/10

Moved 25th Dec 2016  10:35  by ted

FB Number: S3876  Condition: Moved  Score: 6/10

Annual revisit. Access still possible via the hidden path. Rain-washed sky.

Bramley Resr trig
Bramley Resr trig
Bramley Resr FB

Moved 9th Oct 2016  16:58  by dal

FB Number: S3876  Condition: Moved  Score: 5/10

Just the other side of the fence.

Good condition 8th Sep 2016  00:00  by dogwalking

Gridref: SE 23740 35099   FB Number: S3876  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

followed srichy20 directions easy to find

Good condition 29th May 2016  19:16  by G1XJO

Gridref: SE 23745 35104   FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

logged through fence

Moved 12th May 2016  12:44  by Earby Rambler

FB Number: S3876  Condition: Moved  Score: 7/10

I walked up from Bramley Station on a re visit,on into Leeds next to sample a few Ciders in the various Wetherspoons.Then on to the 3 Hulats Wetherspoons in Chapel Allerton.

View from footpath

Good condition 9th May 2016  13:23  by Chris M0RSF

FB Number: S3876  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Closest one to my house so strolled up today in the glorious sunshine. Chris M0RSF

TP1579 Bramley Reservoir ©Chris M0RSF

Good condition 2nd Apr 2016  10:55  by gee-bee

FB Number: S3876  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Good views on a fine day. Misty and cloudy today though.

Bramley Res On a misty day we found the trig at the end of the triggers path.©gee-bee

Good condition 25th Dec 2015  11:10  by ted

FB Number: S3876  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

Another revisit. Easy access via the curious path as noted by Steve Richardson. Plug replaced by cover and minor damage to pillar but rated as good simply for being there. All sighting holes open but pipes blocked with debris so centre mark not visible.

Bramley Resr Outside in
Bramley Resr Inside out
Bramley Resr top

Moved 8th Nov 2015  00:00  by ngthack

FB Number: S3876  Condition: Moved  Score: 5/10

Good condition 18th Sep 2015  17:14  by vegibagger

FB Number: S3876  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

moved to north east corner by gate

trig ©vegibagger
fb ©vegibagger
highest bank top ©vegibagger
two dog walkers ©vegibagger

Moved 17th May 2015  14:50  by CJO

Gridref: SE 23741 35099   FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Moved  Score: 5/10

Revisit to see its new location.

Bramley Resr
Bramley Resr

Not Logged 24th Mar 2015  10:35  by srichy20

Gridref: SE 23738 35090   FB Number: S3876   Condition: Not Logged  Score: 5/10

moved here from original location. quite easy to find and get to. go up reservoir access road to top gate. a narrow path has been left between wall and fenced compound. trig at the end.

access path

Good condition 12th Jan 2015  14:53  by catman

Gridref: SE 23742 35141   FB Number: S3876  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

Revisit.The first time it was missing during construction work.Now situated on site with reasonable views.

Moved 25th Dec 2014  11:55  by ted

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Moved  Score: 6/10

Revisit. The trig, complete with foundations, is just inside where the gate used to be (now replaced by pallisade fencing). FB facing the fence and an OS plaque has been added. Haven't seen this particular wording before "This monument is no longer a coordinated survey marker. If found damaged, please contact us at [email protected] Thank you". Good to see that the trig has survived the reservoir works.

Bramley Resr pillar (viewed through fence)
Bramley Resr plaque
Bramley Resr site

Unreachable but visible 13th Dec 2014  00:00  by rupertal

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Unreachable but visible  Score: 5/10

Can see trig clearly through railings. If my arms were 6 foot i could have touched the trig!

Unreachable but visible 5th Oct 2014  13:15  by dugswell2

FB Number: ----  Condition: Unreachable but visible  Score: 2/10

Beecroft Hill. Short walk for a photo of Fort Knox.

Inaccessible 1st Oct 2014  12:24  by Particle

FB Number: S3876  Condition: Inaccessible  Score: 7/10

Trig now just to east of mast behind big railings. Came up steps from road and it's just at end of wall on the right.

Couldn't find it 22nd Jun 2014  12:20  by The RockKnocker

Gridref: SE 23720 35041   FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Couldn't find it  Score: 0/10

We could not find the trig, and we could not get in to the site so see if it had been moved ?

hayden Hayden with the trigging hat on but no trig that we could find !

Couldn't find it 17th Mar 2014  12:18  by Aye Jimmy

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Couldn't find it  Score: 1/10

No more successful than RowleyBirkin; also walked right round but couldn't find gap in hoardings. Tried especially hard in area near mast where it was last seen. Much heavy digging activity going on.

Couldn't find it 23rd Feb 2014  14:30  by rowleybirkin

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Couldn't find it  Score: 5/10

Parked in Fairfield Hill and walked up footpath at rear of Primary school right round perimeter of reservoir and construction site in a clockwise direction back to where we started. Eyes left all the way but no sign of pillar. It is to be hoped that pillar will be placed somewhere on public display when work is finished on the extended reservoir.

Moved 24th Dec 2013  09:25  by ted

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Moved  Score: 6/10

Visible through a small gap in the hoardings. Did a tour of the perimeter, no other viewpoints. Thanks to all those involved in preserving the trig.

Bramley Reservoir relocated pillar

Moved 22nd Dec 2013  09:25  by peregrinus

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Moved  Score: 7/10

Revisit. Neatly replanted just inside N perimeter fence about 20m east of the big comms mast. Viewable through small gap in hoardings, binocs should enable FB to be read. The OS may however remove the FB. Thanks to Trigpoint100 for arranging to have this pillar rescued.

Pillar replanted seen from top of wall
Pillar replanted seen thru gap in contractors hoarding
Pillar new location west of Mast seen from top of wall; original position far L is now new construction
Pillar replanted zoomed view

Possibly missing 2nd Nov 2013  14:35  by CJO

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Possibly missing  Score: 5/10

Climbed on top of wall and looked into a very large excavation with lots of site cabins. No sign of pillar. It may have gone. Looks like the reservoir is getting a major overhaul.

Bramley Resr reported position is a a building site. Pillar may be in storage. Update Dec 2013. Pillar now appears to be located to the bottom right of this shot.

Unreachable but visible 18th Nov 2012  14:15  by ocean soul

FB Number: S3876  Condition: Unreachable but visible  Score: 5/10

Seen through fence of resevoir ...

Unreachable but visible 30th Oct 2012  14:18  by tigger4242

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Unreachable but visible  Score: 5/10

Seen through fence


Unreachable but visible 8th Oct 2012  09:54  by Earby Rambler

FB Number: S3876  Condition: Unreachable but visible  Score: 4/10


Unreachable but visible 12th Mar 2012  16:10  by THE CYCLIST

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Unreachable but visible  Score: 5/10

Visible after walking up through park, but access prevented by resevoir security fence.

Unreachable but visible 10th Mar 2012  15:12  by slateloose

Gridref: SE 23700 35000   FB Number: S3876  Condition: Unreachable but visible  Score: 7/10

Big high fence but Trig sitting proud on top of resr.

Good condition 2nd Jan 2012  09:35  by painterman61

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 7/10

Parked at field access track walked up to mast the fence bars have been widened here tight squeeze xmas food! good views trig in vgc plastic plug has been melted.

trig ©painterman61
trig ©painterman61
top ©painterman61
fb ©painterman61

Unreachable but visible 18th Jun 2011  11:38  by paulxtr

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Unreachable but visible  Score: 5/10

Bramley Resr ©paulxtr

Unreachable but visible 15th May 2011  15:21  by craftinessa

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Unreachable but visible  Score: 5/10

Unreachable but visible 15th May 2011  15:21  by swampysean

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Unreachable but visible  Score: 5/10

Good condition 5th May 2011  16:45  by jamiekeighley

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 7/10

Squeezed through bent railings near mast. Few people around walking dogs but I don't think I was seen.

Good condition 30th Apr 2011  14:42  by rowleybirkin

Gridref: SE 23720 35045   FB Number: S3876  Condition: Good  Score: 7/10

I cant believe it is nearly 4 years since I took a look at this one. After reading other entries re. successful attempts to reach the pillar I decided to have another go. Parked in Granhamthorpe and took the short path through to the recreation ground. The trick is to head for the mast near where the perimeter fence has been widened. The gap looks much narrower than it actually is but I slipped through easily. Views from here are surprisingly good for an urban location. I had heard some adverse publicity about Bramley but the playing field was almost litter-free and the adjoining park looked very attractive. Well, that is the last visit before we go home tomorrow. I have now visited more pillars in West Yorkshire than I have in my home county of Kent, perhaps I should get out more !

Flush bracket
A little worse for wear.
From the inside When I came here in 2007 I considered this view would be impossible to attain !
Local park - very tidy !

Good condition 2nd Feb 2011  14:00  by iang

FB Number: S3876  Condition: Good  Score: 4/10

Good condition 28th Jan 2011  00:00  by caroleengel

Gridref: SE 23720 35043   FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

The railings have been prised apart at SE 23749 35105, just to the East of the mast.

Good condition 28th Jan 2011  00:00  by caroleengel

Gridref: SE 23720 35043   FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

The railings have been prised apart at SE 23749 35105, just to the East of the mast.

Good condition 8th Jan 2011  18:40  by redDragon

FB Number: S3876  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

Within the reservoir compound. Id read about the gap in the fence, but I must have gone to the wrong side, and ended up just climbing over the fence, using the wall just south of the mast. It was a lot easier then I thought. I managed to find the gap on the way out. Its in the northwest corner by the mast, and next to a bench. The trig is in good condition, and looks like it has a good view. But again, it was dark.

Good condition 30th Dec 2010  11:40  by ted

FB Number: S3876  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

Revisit. Tight post-Christmas squeeze through the railings. Plug replaced by plastic cover which has been broken (burnt?) through. All sighting-holes open. Foggy, no views.

Bramley Resr top
Bramley Resr trig

Good condition 4th Nov 2010  11:50  by wanderer

FB Number: S3876  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Easy access where the bars have been prised apart - thanks MickandKim

Good condition 26th Sep 2010  14:00  by Mickandkim

Gridref: SE 23720 35041   FB Number: S3876  Condition: Good  Score: 7/10

Accessed near masts Gap in fence where bar is bent Even Kim got through ! ! !

Good condition 22nd Aug 2010  16:36  by Trigbagger

Gridref: SE 23722 35043   FB Number: S3876  Condition: Good  Score: 9/10

Used the convenient broken fence panel to get access, watch out for the bit of sharp metal sticking out of the top of the wall though, I got caught on it and tore a hole in the arse of my trousers, I had to bag the trig, climb back over the wall and then walk all the way back to the car with my arse hanging out. :( Cracking views from the top of the surrounding area though.

Good condition 22nd Aug 2010  16:36  by graeme1527

Gridref: SE 23722 35043   FB Number: S3876  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

Great veiws from the top of the reservoir.

Good condition 17th Jul 2010  19:55  by bluebeard

FB Number: S3876  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

at the moment there is a broken fence panel half way along the SE wall of the reservoir

Unreachable but visible 22nd May 2010  12:30  by Triggers

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Unreachable but visible  Score: 2/10

i hate the waterboard and golf clubs!!!

Bramely Resr ©Triggers

Unreachable but visible 22nd May 2010  12:30  by PeteBoggs

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Unreachable but visible  Score: 5/10

Same as everyone else viewed from perimeter fence


Unreachable but visible 3rd May 2010  19:55  by johnbamforth

Gridref: SE 23720 35041   FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Unreachable but visible  Score: 6/10

Log #12. (145m). Drove to location, close to home. Short walk to site. Pillar inaccesible, but visible. Good views from reservoir.

Bramley Resr The Pillar. Close as I can get this trip 31-12-10
Bramley Resr views View towards Rombalds Moor at sundown
Bramley Resr landmarks Bramley Baths smokestack ctr frame, Cookridge Comms Tower horizon
Bramley Resr The Pillar. View from the N 31-12-10

Unreachable but visible 15th Jul 2009  15:24  by smiley dog

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Unreachable but visible  Score: 6/10

a quick visit on my way to work ,pillar clearly visible no time to check fence for gaps ..will return.

Unreachable but visible 3rd Feb 2009  13:10  by splash

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Unreachable but visible  Score: 6/10

Parked near the radio tower and walked up the path near the school.

Unreachable but visible 22nd Jan 2009  10:27  by G7HRP

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Unreachable but visible  Score: 4/10

Spotted but not reached while getting a local geocache

Not Logged 14th Jan 2009  17:04  by PDB

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 5/10

The first timeI couldnt get to a trig because of physical barriers. could have got in but not sure about getting back out. The battles not over, I will return !!!

Unreachable but visible 26th Jul 2008  12:30  by Lathama

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Unreachable but visible  Score: 5/10

Didn't have time to try to find a way into the reservoir compound and didn't fancy risking the barbed wire, especially with a footie match to go to! Pillar is easily visible from the edge of the compund.

Unreachable but visible 18th Jul 2008  10:40  by wrose

Gridref: SE 23705 35042   FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Unreachable but visible  Score: 5/10

Took the advice of Slaintejimmy and did not attempt the fence. The fence seems to have been topped with barbed wire since pictures have been take - presumably because of it's urban location.

Unreachable but visible 21st May 2008  17:31  by SlainteJimmy

FB Number: S3876  Condition: Unreachable but visible  Score: 3/10

Secured atop the reservoir inside security fence... more fish to fry tonight, so didn't waste time attempting.

Bramley Resr ..didn\'t fancy the fence.

Unreachable but visible 7th Sep 2007  16:10  by rowleybirkin

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Unreachable but visible  Score: 5/10

Parked in housing estate and walked over to reservoir fence. Pillar is near perimeter and visible - looks to be in good condition as far as one can tell. May try this again as I hear there is a gap in fence somewhere. Good views of distant fells.

Don\'t fence me in !
Visible but unreachable !
Wonderful view
No chance !

Good condition 12th Jun 2007  11:56  by Theo D Lite

FB Number: S3876  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Stone wall turns a corner by the mast and abuts a metal fence. The wall is climbable here and the trig can be seen along the top of the bank.

Good condition 21st Mar 2007  15:50  by rhayader_wanderer

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 4/10

What is it with police today second one near a trig point. However this time the land is a local dog walking spot so walked up to the reservoir edge and gave up with no visible opening

Good condition 5th Jul 2006  14:20  by mtb mick

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

A well protected trig behind a stone wall and metal fence topped with barbed wire. Didn't fancy losing dangly bits on barbed wire so climbed on wall to take photo on the right side of the law. Trig can be seen easily near the entrance to the telecoms mast.

Bramley Reservoir Looking south from outside the site boundary.

Good condition 12th Nov 2005  15:38  by John Riley

FB Number: S3876  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

There are definitely no gaps in the fence now. As mickandshane I climbed over next to the mast wall.

Bramley Resr Approach from the North West.
Bramley Resr Trig looking South East.
Bramley Resr Looking West down to fence.
Bramley Resr Flush bracket.
Bramley Resr Top of trig showing slight repair work?
Bramley Resr Looking North showing trig and mast.

Unreachable but visible 9th Oct 2005  17:50  by uncle dick

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Unreachable but visible  Score: 4/10

I live about 600 yards from this one, very busy evening and I'm well know in the area so I didn't have the nerve to climb the fence.

Good condition 7th Jul 2005  12:20  by mickandshane

FB Number: S3876  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

All fence panels now restored and no gaps large enough for me to squeeze through. I climbed over the wall where it abuts the mast compound - not too difficult. Plug with indented lettering.

Good condition 27th Jun 2005  09:50  by Father Ted

FB Number: S3876  Condition: Good  Score: 4/10

One of the fence panels is now completely missing so access was easy - at least for the time being.

Bramley Resr A gap in the fence big enough for me!

Good condition 6th Mar 2005  12:00  by peregrinus

FB Number: S3876  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

on SW corner of secure(ish) fenced resr, vgc, broken resin plug, good view. 2013 update: following demolition of the old resr, the pillar has been relocated "just within the site boundary where it can be seen from the park". FB is to be removed by the OS. Well done Trigpoint100 for lobbying the contractors.

Relocated pillar Dec 2013 Photo c/o M Farrell, JN Bentley "just within the site boundary where it can be seen from the park"
Pillar in 2005 Montaged by Jon Rouse

Good condition 23rd Feb 2005  16:00  by MAC.HAWK

FB Number: S3876  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Bramley Resovoir/Beecroft Hill. Doesn't it make you want to vomit when access is such a pain. Done during a Cottingley to Bramley (railway) station to station walk.

Good condition 28th Nov 2004  00:00  by Slytherin

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 7/10

Another great view over towards Leeds Bradford Airport.

Good condition 24th Apr 2004  12:00  by Seasider

FB Number: S3876  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

33/42 for the day. Amazing how they ALWAYS leave one gap in their security - easy gate to get over!!

Good condition 9th Feb 2004  20:26  by stonestreaker

FB Number: S3876  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

you can squeeze through some really bent bars in the fence

Good condition 8th Feb 2004  18:00  by ted

FB Number: S3876  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

Visited at twilight; gardening gloves would have been useful in getting over the gate.

Good condition 26th Dec 2003  12:00  by iainmac

FB Number: S3876  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Climbed over the gate - handy bits of metal for footholds.


Inaccessible 26th Apr 2003  23:57  by The Steptoes

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Inaccessible  Score: 2/10

Can't get to this one. It's on top of a covered reservoir. Whne we were kids we used to climb the wall all the time to play on the top. now the buggers have erected a 10ft fence around the place. I should have logged the number 35 years ago when I had the chance :)))

Not Logged 5th Feb 2003  11:15  by manonabike

Gridref: SE 23700 35000   FB Number: S3876  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 5/10

Good condition 6th Jan 2000  20:07  by clochandighter

FB Number: S3876  Condition: Good  Score: 4/10

Managed to squeeze through the railings which were already bent. No OS boss in spider. Bagged in darkness.

The TrigpointingUK database is owned and maintained by Ian Harris (Teasel). The TrigTools pages are provided by Barry Hunter. Contact us.