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TP18258 - Whitfield Headgear
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OSGB36 trig archive spreadsheet - IW
Whitfield HeadgearSJ95/T21SJ95T021388483.73353316.590.0003BOLT01/06/198700
Whitfield HeadgearSJ95/T21SJ95T021388483.74353316.590.0003BOLT01/06/197901Refixed 1987
Whitfield HeadgearSJ95/T21SJ95T021388484.10353316.640.0003BOLT01/06/194701Refixed 1979

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There are 7 photos for this trigpoint (view album).

This trigpoint:
Is ranked joint 16757th with 53 other trigs (more).
Has a mean score of 4.50/10 (from 8 logged visits)
Was First logged: 7th Jul 2014
Has never been found intact
Was Last logged: 8th Jun 2024

Of the 8 logged visits,
2 recorded a location and of these....

All were within 84m
The average error was 42m
1 was exact

Tunstall Church Spire Tunstall Church Spire Tunstall Church Tower Tunstall Church Tower Harrisea Head Harrisea Head Newchapel Church Spire Newchapel Church Spire Chell Senior School Chell Senior School Stadmorslow Stadmorslow Haywood Hospital Water Tower Haywood Hospital Water Tower Caldon Canal Caldon Canal Woodhouse Lane Farm Woodhouse Lane Farm Brown Edge Church Spire Brown Edge Church Spire Brown Edge Brown Edge Mickandkim Mickandkim Wheresthatpenguin Wheresthatpenguin Whitfield Headgear Whitfield Headgear [Zoom In/Out] [Hide Labels]

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Logged Visits:

Inaccessible 8th Jun 2024  12:45  by Mickandkim

Gridref: SJ 88400 53300   FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Inaccessible  Score: 3/10

No luck today

Inaccessible 27th Jun 2021  08:10  by Wheresthatpenguin

Gridref: SJ 88483 53316   FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Inaccessible  Score: 2/10

This was the Chatterley Whitfield Colliary (formerly known as the Whitfield Colliary until 1891), which closed in 1977. It was the largest mine on the North Staffordshire coalfield, and the first mine to produce 1 million tons worth of coal in a year. It became a museum after it closed, conducting underground tours. However, in 1986, it became too dangerous to continue with these tours, and ultimately the museum closed in 1993. It is now a heritage centre, know as the Chatterley Whitfield Colliery Heritage Centre, and the land surrounding it is now the Chatterley Whitfield Heritage Country Park. The headgear is the structural frame above an underground mine shaft, which hoists machinery, personnel, and materials. The bolt on the headgear is inaccessible. The only place to get a good look at the headgear is from the summit of Chatterley Whitfield Hill. This can be accessed by parking on Whitfield Road, taking the path from there into the park, and then once that path meets another path with steps that lead off to the left, climbing those steps to the summit.

Chatterley Whitfield Colliery To the left is the chimney stack (55 metres high), in the centre is the institute shaft and headgear with the inaccessible trig bolt, and on the right is the hesketh winding gear
Headgear Built in 1922, this steel headgear was supplied by Robert Heath & Low Moor, and replaced an earlier wooden headgear

Inaccessible 8th Aug 2019  14:53  by jonglew

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Inaccessible  Score: 5/10

Headgear spotted from summit of nearby Chatterley Witfield Hill.

Headgear at RHS of the photo TP18258©jonglew

Inaccessible 29th May 2017  12:32  by painterman61

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Inaccessible  Score: 5/10

Could see this from brown edge

headgear ©painterman61

Inaccessible 29th May 2017  09:14  by CJO

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Inaccessible  Score: 5/10

Headgear intact. Listed building.pit closed 1977 but remained as museum until 1987 and underground experience revamped until 1993. Spoil tip turned into a nature reserve. Now Chatterley Whitfield Enterprise Park.

Whitfield Headgear the smaller set behind the lamppost

Inaccessible 14th Mar 2017  11:53  by stignest

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Inaccessible  Score: 6/10

From top of the tump nearby. looks a really interesting place. the walk through the park was worthwhile too. they've done a good job of re-naturalising the place.

Inaccessible 10th Jan 2015  14:52  by ProSpec

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Inaccessible  Score: 5/10

The headgear still exists but cannot imagine anyone on this site getting up there.

Guess the Bolt must be up there somewhere but for me this is as good as it gets!

Inaccessible 7th Jul 2014  12:57  by tigger4242

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Inaccessible  Score: 5/10

Marked as inaccessible. Mine closed a long time ago.


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