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TP1907 - Capler Camp
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Good Good condition
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Hereford & Worcester
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OSGB36 trig archive spreadsheet - IW
Capler CampSO52/T11SO52T011359658.94232868.34168.5203PILLAR01/06/1954101/06/1961N0

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There are 49 photos for this trigpoint (view album).

This trigpoint:
Is ranked joint 3666th with 31 other trigs (more).
Has a mean score of 5.96/10 (from 49 logged visits)
Was First logged: 24th May 2003
Was Last found intact: 15th Oct 2023
Was Last logged: 14th Mar 2024

Of the 49 logged visits,
11 recorded a location and of these....

All were within 90m
The average error was 26m
1 was exact

Glaslyn Glaslyn slateloose slateloose Tonyht Tonyht Mickandkim Mickandkim jonglew jonglew Garth Fenton Garth Fenton coinea coinea caroleengel caroleengel arranc arranc T-Bagger T-Bagger pairoboots pairoboots Capler Camp Capler Camp [Zoom In/Out] [Hide Labels]

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Logged Visits:

Not Logged 14th Mar 2024  10:19  by SamMeaden

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 5/10


Good condition 15th Oct 2023  11:50  by andyrandom

FB Number: S7284  Condition: Good  Score: 7/10

Surprised this one isn't on the hillfort ramparts. Accessed from the woodland track beside the picnic area, which leads uphill and across the hillfort, before descending past a derelict barn towards the pillar, which hides behind a big tree. If this is private land (as previous logs suggest), I saw no indication of it. Easy and enjoyable bag with decent view.

Good condition 19th Jul 2023  10:12  by Herefordshire Trig Bagger

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 8/10

Parked in a dedicated parking area - made a loop of the bag by heading through the fields to the trig then back around through the woods.

Capler Camp Trig Point ©Herefordshire Trig Bagger

Good condition 17th Jul 2023  10:26  by retired trigger

FB Number: S7284  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Good condition 3rd May 2023  15:28  by Cositsthere

FB Number: S7284  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Good condition 23rd Aug 2022  19:00  by 22thenext500

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

Followed Wye Valley Walk from off B4224 up path to left of Caplor Farm buildings and then up the steep stepped hillside to the field where TP clearly visible. Nice view of Marcle Hill and setting under large oak tree pleasant.


Good condition 24th May 2022  14:55  by fasgadh

FB Number: S7284  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

A short descent from the hill fort. Went up from Capler Lodge.

Capler Camp ©fasgadh
Capler Camp ©fasgadh
Capler Camp ©fasgadh

Good condition 28th Apr 2022  14:45  by pairoboots

Gridref: SO 59700 32900   FB Number: S7284  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

Actually on private land, but access is no problem, although there is a longish climb from the nearest road.

Alan at Trig Point TP1907

Good condition 5th Aug 2021  12:19  by thejackrustles

FB Number: S7284  Condition: Good  Score: 7/10

Parked at Capler Lodge view point and followed PROW. As per Jon Glew - 160m ESE of the eastern ramparts of the IA hill fort, located on private land although access doesn't seem to be a problem.

Capler Camp selfie ©thejackrustles
Capler Camp collage

Good condition 5th Aug 2021  11:46  by coinea

Gridref: SO 59660 32874   FB Number: S7284  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

With thejackrustles

S7284 Capler Camp

Good condition 2nd Jul 2021  13:59  by SianC

FB Number: S7284  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Parked at the viewpoint and did the clockwise route via the Hill Fort. Plenty of sheep about!


Good condition 20th Mar 2021  16:35  by Spunky Spider

FB Number: S7284  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Visited with CherryBubb. We parked at the view point and opted to walk to this one in an anticlockwise direction picking up 1 geocache on the way - GC6TJXP. Just before the trig we had to walk right past and along the drive and sheds of a wooden clad house. We confirmed with the resident owner if we were on the right track and made sure it was ok to turn left just after his house to the trig and then onwards to the old settlement. "Yes" he said and he commented on how good the views were from there. Once me & CherryBubb arrived at the trig, we glanced over our shoulders only to realise our every move was being monitored and watched by the same fellow who never seemed to take his eyes off us both - very strange behaviour. Our 4th of 5 trigs today and this one was the second one with a missing center cap. Good views and lots of blarting sheep and lambs about today - noisy little things.

Flush bracket with low “4”. ©Spunky Spider
Spider with missing cap ©Spunky Spider
Spunky Spider at Capler Camp trig ©Spunky Spider

Good condition 20th May 2020  14:07  by Andy West

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 7/10

Good condition 6th May 2019  10:00  by Mickandkim

Gridref: SO 59659 32868   FB Number: S7284  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

From viewpoint to SW then up to barn then right to big trees

Good condition 4th Apr 2019  12:57  by paulxtr

FB Number: S7284  Condition: Good  Score: 7/10

Parking and route as per slateloose. Interesting remains of iron age hillfort nearby.

Capler Camp ©paulxtr

Good condition 6th Feb 2019  16:04  by slateloose

Gridref: SO 59600 32800   FB Number: S7284  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

Parked at Capler Lodge view point. Then walked the Wye Valley Route up towards Capler Camp and along the ramparts to the farm buildings. The trig point is a short distance down the track from the farm near three large trees.

Not Logged 25th Sep 2017  15:06  by Portia142

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 7/10

Slightly damaged 3rd Sep 2017  11:26  by T-Bagger

Gridref: SO 59667 32875   FB Number: S7284  Condition: Slightly damaged  Score: 5/10

Martin & Pearson. Missing cap.

Good condition 19th Apr 2017  16:15  by Nekyram

FB Number: S7284  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Parked at Capler Lodge viewing area. Pleasant walk following foot path to hill fort . Trig stands just off F P.

Good condition 2nd Apr 2017  14:10  by jonglew

Gridref: SO 59661 32870   FB Number: S7284  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

160m ESE of the eastern ramparts of the IA hill fort, located on private land although access doesn't seem to be a problem. Pillar has lost its central cap and has no plug. RHS sight hole is open. Extensive views N, E & S; W obscured by the hill fort.

Pillar TP1907©jonglew
Spider TP1907©jonglew
Flush Bracket TP1907©jonglew

Good condition 26th Feb 2017  11:34  by Thejenkies

FB Number: S7284  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Detoured here from a local caching loop. Pillar in good condition with views to be had through about 270 degrees.

Capler Camp Flush Bracket ©Thejenkies
Views at Capler camp pillar ©Thejenkies

Good condition 25th Nov 2016  09:55  by _HT_

FB Number: S7284  Condition: Good  Score: 8/10

Lovely late Autumn day in Herefordshire. Walked up to this trig as a slight diversion off a local geocaching circuit. Nice views all around, especially today as it was clear and bright.

Trig Behind Stand Of Trees. Late Nov '16 ©_HT_
Capler Camp Pillar, Late Nov '16. ©_HT_

Good condition 30th Oct 2016  13:15  by Garth Fenton

Gridref: SO 59663 32871   FB Number: S7284  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Centre missing. Parked at Capler Lodge, followed the Wye Valley Way up to the east side of the 'cam' pillar is behind a stand of oak trees.

Good condition 12th Oct 2016  13:28  by dadu 13

FB Number: S7284  Condition: Good  Score: 7/10

Good views in the opposite direction from where I had come from, grabbed whilst doing the Brockhampton geocaching circuit.

©dadu 13
©dadu 13

Good condition 1st Nov 2015  15:17  by mitsiman

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10


Good condition 19th Sep 2015  13:11  by tom

FB Number: S7284  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

The pillar is situated by the side of a track through a grassy field on the eastern slopes below Capler Camp in the Wye Valley AONB between Ross-on-Wye and Hereford. It was reached by a short walk from the picnic site near Capler Lodge by means of the Wye Valley Walk along the southern ramparts of the Iron Age fort. It has FB S7284 but lacks a cap or plug. Ridge Hill could be seen in the east and the trig looked across hazy farmland to the west.

Good condition 18th Aug 2015  00:00  by caroleengel

Gridref: SO 59660 32875   FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Couldn't find Fownhope Farm Shop mentioned by the Cyclist. As others, parked to SW at Capler Lodge which not only has plenty room to park but is a delightful picnic spot too

Good condition 8th Aug 2015  17:31  by Shelfyowen

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 8/10

Good condition 18th Apr 2014  08:50  by Dusty

FB Number: S7284  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Parked at Capler Lodge to the SW.

Flush Bracket

Good condition 12th Sep 2013  09:59  by Funk to Funky

FB Number: S7294  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Good condition 12th Jul 2013  08:42  by THE CYCLIST

FB Number: S7284  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Turned off main road signed for Caplor Energy and Fownhope Farm Shop. Footpath with new gates and steps lead up into field with pillar.

Good condition 4th Jun 2011  15:30  by SidAndBob

FB Number: S7284  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

Found near the end of a very humid day's walking, mainly on the WVW. Nice area, though views not spectacular.

Good condition 19th Mar 2011  13:59  by Katy

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 7/10

minor detour from the Wye Valley Walk


Good condition 8th Mar 2011  11:30  by arranc

Gridref: SO 59662 32874   FB Number: S7284  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

Not Logged 11th May 2010  00:00  by Curlew

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 5/10

Good condition 4th Apr 2009  12:55  by bluebeard

FB Number: S7284  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

Good condition 28th Aug 2008  00:00  by Tonyht

Gridref: SO 59650 32850   FB Number: S7284  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Easy to locate and access. Visited while supporting walkers doing the Wye Valley on a nice sunny day with some good company.

Good condition 10th Aug 2008  15:00  by Stevie Boy

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 7/10

Parked at the picnic site.Found trig easily just off the path.Really good views of surrounding hills,many of which i've now bagged. Lots of sheep poo about.Walked down to the Wye & got attacked by brambles scrambling back up Capler Woods back to the car.Should've stayed on the path!


Good condition 23rd Feb 2007  12:00  by iainmac

FB Number: S7284  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10


Good condition 2nd Dec 2006  13:20  by Father Ted

FB Number: S7284  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

Folowed the route and parking hints from Rhayder Wanderer. So it's not an army camp nor a Butlins but a historical camp - I was being a bit slow today - no wonder I never saw a soldier.

Good condition 6th Sep 2006  16:00  by Managra

FB Number: S7284  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10


Good condition 16th Jul 2006  01:40  by The Flying Boots

FB Number: S7284  Condition: Good  Score: 7/10

Lovely walk up here on such a perfect summers day.

posing by trig ©The Flying Boots
©The Flying Boots

Good condition 1st May 2006  15:16  by dpeberdy

FB Number: S7284  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

A nice walk up from a marked car park up and passed the camp. Trig surrounded by sheep until we arrived with the dog! The return walk below the camp passes through what loks like a private drive. The 'Way Mark' is right at the far end of the drive. The third walk of three Trig visits today. Beautiful weather. Me, Mum, Jon and Hadley.

Jon and Mum at the pillar
To prove I got there too

Good condition 3rd Apr 2006  09:35  by rhayader_wanderer

FB Number: S7284  Condition: Good  Score: 7/10

Alternatively park on the B road outside the cottage just S of the Capler Farm turn and walk in up the slope from the NE on a well pitched footpath. Agree on the views from here.

Good condition 23rd Jul 2005  13:20  by mickandshane

FB Number: S7284  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

Bridgeman sums the route up pretty well. Plenty of sheep about. Missing plug.

Good condition 10th Apr 2005  16:30  by Glaslyn

Gridref: SO 59600 32800   FB Number: S7284  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Must have been passed on WVW couple of years ago but didnt notice it !

End of a good day,off for a cuppa at Capler viewpoint!

Good condition 19th Mar 2005  16:31  by Bridgeman

FB Number: S7284  Condition: Good  Score: 8/10

Best reached from the picnic site south of Capler Wood. Follow the Wye Valley Walk via Capler Camp to a deserted farm. Follow the track downhill behind the farm to trig point.

Capler Camp trig point ©Bridgeman
Capler Camp trig point flush bracket ©Bridgeman

Good condition 7th Sep 2003  12:00  by peregrinus

FB Number: S7284  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

vgc; no plug; open pasture N side of tk

Good condition 24th May 2003  12:00  by desperate dan

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 7/10

I'm amazed nobody else has been here. It's just off the Wye Valley Walk on one of it's most picturesque sections, and very close to some great views over the river. Lots of very inquisitive sheep.

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