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TP6586 - Trink Hill
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OSGB36 trig archive spreadsheet - IW
Trink HillSW63/T86SW63T086150488.5137161.44211.8363PILLAR01/06/1955201/06/1955N0

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There are 63 photos for this trigpoint (view album).

This trigpoint:
Is ranked joint 2364th with 43 other trigs (more).
Has a mean score of 6.32/10 (from 50 logged visits)
Was First logged: 28th May 2003
Was Last logged: 29th May 2024

Of the 50 logged visits,
10 recorded a location and of these....

All were within 107m
The average error was 15m
1 was exact

ST IVES CORNWALL ST IVES CORNWALL Castle-An-Dinas Castle-An-Dinas Trevalgan Hill Trevalgan Hill Carnstabba Carnstabba Knills Monument Knills Monument Tregenna Castle Hotel Tregenna Castle Hotel Carbis Bay Church Spire Carbis Bay Church Spire slateloose slateloose Quadbarrel Quadbarrel Hammer66 Hammer66 jonglew jonglew Pharisee Pharisee Dicky Dido Dicky Dido CJO CJO Nr Nr barnsley skip barnsley skip caroleengel caroleengel Trink Hill Trink Hill [Zoom In/Out] [Hide Labels]

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Logged Visits:

Good condition 29th May 2024  15:03  by Dicky Dido

Gridref: SW 50489 37161   FB Number: S7868  Condition: Good  Score: 8/10

Very interesting route to the top. Paths on the hill not on the OS map but reasonably easy to follow

view from the top ©Dicky Dido

Good condition 20th Apr 2024  11:10  by xanderpie99

FB Number: S7868  Condition: Good  Score: 8/10

Initial location was hard to find and access, lots of brambles and no real footpath. Again great views from the top tho. Worth the hike.

Good condition 28th Mar 2024  10:06  by Trigger monster

FB Number: S7868  Condition: Good  Score: 8/10

Turned out to be a lot harder to get to than expected. First plan was to approach from the west, convenient car park next to ruined mine. Appeared to be a path leading east and uphill but it ran out and the gorse and ferns were pretty thick. Plan B. Map showed a footpath heading east from Cripplesease. Parked on side of lane just off the main road. At this point should probably have checked on here for detailed map and possibly other logs of previous visitors. Along road to start of footpath, over stone stile over wall into field. Path not obvious, just grassy field. A dog walker was coming towards me. I asked if there was a way to the trig point, they pointed me across the field but we were at cross purposes, they were explaining how to get to Trink, the village to the east of the hill! Easy mistake! Anyway continued heading east, over wall into next field. Still couldn’t see an obvious route uphill. Decided to try and follow the line of the wall heading uphill. Climbed over boulders but didn’t see any easy way up. Reached a wall of boulders which looked like there was a disused entrance into some workings in it. Tried to follow the line of the wall uphill on top of the boulders , at this point the wind really blew up and hail started, I was crouching on the rock to stop myself from being blown off it. By now had worked my way slowly around to the south side of the hill, on the east side of the wall was the faint line of a path. Made it to that then made better progress uphill. It was a bit overgrown with gorse and bushes but it felt right. Near the top the pillar came into view, path was a bit like a spiral as it didn’t go directly to the pillar. Good result in the end. Pillar whitewashed. Views to St Michael’s Mount to south and sea to north. Cap missing. Followed path down hill to get back, reached a farm track which headed west and led to the lane I had parked on. Much easier route.

Trink Hill Flush plate
Trink Hill View south towards Mounts Bay, showing spider and missing cap
Trink Hill South face
Trink Hill View east
Trink Hill View west I think
Trink Hill From path on south side of hill
Trink Hill Path up from south on other side of gate. Gate reached by farm track from west.

Good condition 29th Jan 2024  12:17  by Max Piper

FB Number: S7868  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

No views due to the weather, but a surprisingly simple ascent from the public footpath to the south (I came from Cripplesease). Where the footpath enters access land, go through (or just around) the gate and follow a path north. This weaves its way past the Twelve O' clock Rock which is on the other side of the wall. Once you're on the plateau you will need to follow narrower, fainter paths to the trig. Return the same way and do not attempt in summer!

Good condition 8th Oct 2023  11:50  by Juliebfitness

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

1 of the worse ever wished I wore my wellies but it was a hot boiling day in October. Needs a good path for us baggers. Came back towards the barn through gap in wall

Go to the back of the barn through gap in wall, not up.side of wall
Worse trig ever

Not Logged 29th Jul 2023  00:00  by StewB

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 5/10

Having 'knocked-off' Castle-an-Dinas wit partner Pam, my 650th pillar, filled with dread & trepidation having read fellow 'trigbaggers' 'blogs', off I set in 'half-hearted' hope of 'bagging' the dreaded Trink Hill. Car park parking across the road from the Engine Inn GR 500 368...Very short road walk S taking a left at the public footpath fingerpost to cross a stone stile at GR 50027 36793. Taking a diagonal left across the field & going thro' a gate, continued to 'make' another diagonal left 'heading' for the wall of huge boulders at GR 50222 37057. 'Boulder-hopping' to the wall corner at GR 504 372 proceeded to 'boulder-hop' SE. Sighting the 'stand-out' white trig left, had but a few yards to 'rough-it' thro' the dense undergrowth. To have pursued the trig for any length of time thro' the dense undergrowth encounterd from the wall to the trig I did, would have been tantamount to torture & in short trousers ludicrous. I went prepared in trousers, waterproof overtrousers & wellington boots. To be honest there was a disappointing lack of arduousity the way I did it, excepting for those final few yards from wall to trig, it could have been done quite easily & scratch-free in shorts. I didn'a struggle too much over the boulders, really, really, really enjoyed the 'hopping' experiance & would urge others to have 'no-fear' on 'taking-on' Trink Hill via this approach, though obvious care need be taken in getting over the boulders. Land's End tomorrow but not before a well deserved luncheon in the Engine Inn.

Good condition 28th Jun 2022  15:26  by FellRunningTrigger

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Hardest trig I've ever got to, really REALLY overgrown, one of those where 'argh its not too bad' suddenly goes to 'really quite painful but I've been going through gorse for 20 mins now'. Legs cut to ribbons (apologies for gratuitous leg photos). Bolder hopped on way back down, but even that was still painful. Think this is the only one where I've wished I'd not bothered.

Told you it was overgrown... Really not worth bothering with at this time of year without long trousers and something snippy. I wouldn't have bothered but was only local briefly and only had a short pass from the family to go for a run©FellRunningTrigger
Got there in the end. And to make matters worse it was raining ©FellRunningTrigger

Good condition 24th Mar 2022  18:05  by Andy West

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

Tried from the chimney to the west - no chance. Followed the wall from the gate at the junction to the north - this was a lot easier and there's good parking.

Good condition 5th Oct 2020  13:04  by dbattyman

FB Number: S7868  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

Good condition 22nd Aug 2019  11:18  by slateloose

Gridref: SW 50400 37100   FB Number: S7868  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Walked to this the day before and got to the gate took one look at the mud and decided to return today in wellington. Parked near pub and walked east on the ROW to a gate on the left which goes into open access land, but the entrance and the first 20/30m is very muddy. The track after that is good for a short while but is soon lost to the gorse. Difficult going. Decided to walk back along the top of the boulder wall, which is better but not easy. The wall brings you down to a field corner with two large water tanks which you will see on you outward walk. Trig point is great condition newly painted.

Good condition 2nd May 2019  16:04  by Thejenkies

FB Number: S7868  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

This seemed rather straight forward to start with but once we got to the boulder wall that is when all the problems started. Getting over the boulders and then fighting through the gorse and newly grown brambles. Gosh it was hard work. True what previous finders have said that you cannot see it until you are almost on top of it. good condition with limited views. Glad that one is out the way.

Trink Hill pillar FB ©Thejenkies
Trink Hill pillar with view ©Thejenkies

Good condition 19th Oct 2018  18:32  by jonglew

Gridref: SW 50484 37162   FB Number: S7868  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Tricksie access due to being surrounded by a massive sea of gorse. From the Engine House pub car park at Cripplesease. RoW heading E initially then veered off NE to pick up a wall of large boulders at SW 50265 37112, walked (boulder hopped) along its top following it round to the trig in rapidly diminishing daylight. Pillar has a fresh coat of brilliant white paint, unfortunately it's not in a prominent location so can't be seen from anywhere. Centre cap missing, no plug; sight holes not noted, but photograph shows front and RHS holes open. Views also not noted, but would seem to be minimal.

Pillar TP6586©jonglew
Spider TP6586©jonglew
Flush Bracket TP6586©jonglew

Good condition 20th Jun 2018  09:48  by CJO

Gridref: SW 50491 37161   FB Number: S7868  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

Very recent coat of paint. Even the brush remains. Sight holes open and cap missing. Bolt visible. Grass trimmed from around base. some one is taking care of this pillar. Access from Engine Inn, along footpath/track to second gate on left, then up a boggy path to the north of the wall following animal tracks. Wet but easy.

Trink Hill

Good condition 5th Nov 2017  14:03  by dal

FB Number: S7868  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

From the Engine House pub. Along the FP on the S side of hill until the point where it meets the access land. I went through the right hand gate and met a quagmire. Then there was an intermittent path, but I had to go though the gorse, bramble and dead bracken for much of the way. Unpleasant. Trig in vgc, No cap. Bolt visible. Excellent views. But marked back down for the challenge of reaching it.

Good condition 12th Sep 2017  13:37  by asbown

FB Number: S7868  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

horrible little trig.

Good condition 12th Sep 2017  13:37  by The reluctant trigger

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Not Logged 19th Jun 2017  18:55  by DeniseMc

FB Number: S7868  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 5/10

From Engine House pub, Cripplesease, took marked footpath to SW. Followed Access Land boundary to reach wall junction with water tank. Followed top of boulder wall (NW), alpine ridge style, to summit, above thick gorse. Trig c 18 p to east of wall through knee high bracken and gorse, not too dense, but long trousers help. Good route.

Not Logged 11th Jun 2017  11:29  by pat29

FB Number: S868  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 5/10

At last we made it up to this trig on our third attempt walked the farm track/path until gate at grid SW50705 37016, then there was half a decent path up between the gorse bushes,

Gorse ©pat29

Good condition 3rd Jun 2017  13:40  by Collie_dogs

FB Number: S7868  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Found whilst geocaching in the area!

View from trig poimt©Collie_dogs

Not Logged 18th May 2017  12:21  by bluetoe

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 6/10

Good condition 6th May 2017  10:30  by monkeydestructor

FB Number: S7868  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

YSM424 Trink Hill ©monkeydestructor

Good condition 2nd May 2017  00:00  by caroleengel

Gridref: SW 50493 37169   FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

From SW. Thru' gate at SW507370 and good cow path (after unusual swamp) almost to trig. Last 20/30m thru' gorse

Good condition 14th Apr 2017  16:15  by gerryu2

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 8/10

YSM424 Trink Hill. Parked in a layby at bend in road. Cut across 2 fields and then walked across the top of the boundary boulders to the trig. A good leg stretch. Cheers.

Good condition 17th Mar 2017  20:38  by Walker Dan

FB Number: S7868  Condition: Good  Score: 4/10

A right pig this one. Parked in the pub car park and followed the path through the fields. A bit uncertain where to head up but finished up going up by the first wall then a couple of hundred yards following animal paths through the gorse. Took a different route back following the wall near the trig back down, a bit of a path developed in the gorse and brambles but ended up in a bog surrounded by blackthorn bushes. Managed to get over the wall and through the bushes before making my escape. Encountered a Welsh Black bull in the field on the way down as well - a breed I'm always wary off.

Good condition 11th Sep 2016  00:00  by Bolventor

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10


Good condition 4th Sep 2016  13:10  by widget

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 10/10

Got to give this one max score for the effort it took me to get there. Totally ignored previous advice read earlier that morning. Parked at the CP roughly 500m W and walked N along road to where vehicle tracks had made inroads into the bracken and gorse. I then stubbornly made far less effective inroads for the 45 minutes it took to cover the very short upslope to the the large boulder wall which I used gratefully as others had. I was pooped, knackered, ballbagged and ready for a beer. Route back was NW to the road junction following a horsemade path, then Sunday lunch at The Engine House didn't touch the sides! I hate this trig as much as I love it!

Not Logged 8th May 2016  08:46  by Yukonhuskies

FB Number: 7868  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 5/10

Glad to finally bag this one.nice walk up with Cornishgazza and our boys

TP6586 - Trink Hill

Good condition 28th Feb 2016  08:46  by BRISTOLIAN

FB Number: S7868  Condition: Good  Score: 7/10

Very hard getting to this one even with getting permission from local resident to go through her back field. Saved mega time though. Loads of gorse but stunning views.

Mr K at pillar. ©BRISTOLIAN

Good condition 11th Aug 2015  11:25  by Hammer66

Gridref: SW 50483 37162   FB Number: S7868  Condition: Good  Score: 8/10

Came for nearby multi geocache and to bag this one as YOSM424. Hard slog up the hill through the gorse and bracken, but amazing views at the top made it all worthwhile.

TP6586 - Trink Hill - north-east to Godrevy
TP6586 - Trink Hill - south to St Michael's Mount

Good condition 6th May 2015  11:55  by dugswell2

FB Number: S7868  Condition: Good  Score: 4/10

Prickly unlikely to repeat.

Good condition 29th Jun 2014  07:15  by Quadbarrel

Gridref: SW 50480 37162   FB Number: S7868  Condition: Good  Score: 8/10

Staying in Hayle for a couple of weeks, and thought I'd head out for an early morning run to this trig. Lovely day for it. Hard work to the top of the hill though. Ended up "walking" along the boulder-wall from the SW near Cripplesease and taking the right angled turn to the SE to get to the pillar. Very hard work. Tremendous views though to both the North and South Coasts.

Flush Bracket
Circular Plate
North Coast
South Coast

Good condition 7th Oct 2012  13:30  by CornishGazza

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 7/10

A prickly walk up for my 2000th geocache find. This trig also doubles up as a Virtual YOSM cache, bagged the summit too. Happy days.

Good condition 4th Jun 2012  13:36  by Pharisee

Gridref: SW 50486 37162   FB Number: S7868  Condition: Good  Score: 9/10

Of all the trigs I’ve visited over the last 4 days, this was undoubtedly the one that made me work the hardest…. And all of my own doing. If I’d have stuck to my original plan, it would have been a lot easier. I parked in the car park opposite The Engine Inn at Cripplesease and had a swift pint and a packet of crisps before setting off on the well hidden footpath that runs around the south side of Trink Hill. If you have trouble finding the start of the path it’s at SW 50017 36785. I walked across a couple of fields until I picked up the gravel farm road. I followed that until I was roughly south of the pillar and then started bushwhacking up the hill… BIG MISTAKE. It’s almost impenetrable, thigh deep gorse and other assorted spiky bushes with a couple of stone walls chucked in for good measure. If you intend doing this one, stay on the farm road until you reach the two gates at SW 50698 37010 and then go through the right hand gate and follow the stone wall, keeping it on your left. You’ll still have gorse to contend with but at least there are no walls to climb over. This is NOT one to be attempted in shorts as your legs will be seriously shredded. The pillar, once I’d reached it, had been liberally coated in white paint, spider, flush bracket, everything but was never the less structurally sound. The centre plug, of course, was missing. The views were fantastic; you can see both the north and south Cornish coasts from up here. Well worth the effort expended in getting here… Oh yes, it was also my 200th YOSM location visited.

The Pillar ©Pharisee
The top of the pillar ©Pharisee
The data shot ©Pharisee
Looking east towards St Ives Bay ©Pharisee
Looking south towards Mount\'s Bay and St Michael\'s Mount ©Pharisee

Good condition 2nd Apr 2012  08:15  by Dart More

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 7/10

Difficult ascent from mine car park towet (should have read previous logs before going away for the weekend) and easy descent to road junction to NW. White trig - even the spider is painted white. No centre plate. Great views of the width of Cronwall - both St Ives Bay and St Michael's Mount visible this morning.

Good condition 1st Apr 2012  15:30  by sven

FB Number: S7868  Condition: Good  Score: 8/10

Parked by the Engine house. Thin path to right through fairly viscious low gorse and heather. Not for shorts this one. Aim for the stone field boundary. follow it uphill and right. Pillar on far side of wall boundary - beware of the low wire fence. Pillar painted white with spectacular views all round except SW. Hayle's beaches and St Michael's Mount are the notable landmarks but view to the east can be good with better visibility. Full sun today. Battle with the gorse again on the descent

Companion picking gorse and heather from shoes and socks
View to St Michael\'s Munt and Mounts Bay

Good condition 14th Jan 2012  09:21  by CornishWalker

FB Number: S7868  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

Had a nice walk along the footpath with the geohound and then made our way upto the Trig.

Trink Hill FB ©CornishWalker
Trink Hill Trig ©CornishWalker

Good condition 3rd Jun 2011  14:43  by THE CYCLIST

FB Number: S7868  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Good condition 19th Feb 2011  10:43  by Dan1980

FB Number: S7868  Condition: Good  Score: 7/10

Logged whilst finding the new geocache here. Great views, even on a misty day like today. Loads of mining remains in the vicinity, including some unmarked shafts, so probably best to stick to the well defined paths.

Trig ©Dan1980
Flush bracket ©Dan1980

Good condition 1st Sep 2010  11:28  by micks trigs

FB Number: S7868  Condition: Good  Score: 7/10

i parked in engine house car park then just walked of into the distance towards the top corner through the field this is not the best option as it is full of hidden dips holes full of water boulders brambles and gorse after reaching the corner, clambered over wall into other field for a little way and then through a gap to bag the pillar great views from here made up for scramble then it was a case of going back the same way

©micks trigs

Good condition 7th May 2010  13:40  by barnsley skip

Gridref: SW 50492 37168   FB Number: S7868  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

Should have read Treehouse's log I reached the trig from the car park at Giew mine with gorse-scratched legs! Heavy rain at trig and way back to car great. Nice new coat of paint on trig in good condition

Trink Hill
GPS reading
Trink Hill S7868

Good condition 17th Aug 2009  09:35  by ocean soul

FB Number: S7868  Condition: Good  Score: 7/10

Parked car on car park of the Balnoon Inn to NE.Slogged up small track through bracken and gorse to pleasant summit.Good views all round.Returned by ROW.

Good condition 6th Aug 2009  10:39  by tom

FB Number: S7868  Condition: Good  Score: 7/10

The pillar stands on a gorse covered hill to the south of St Ives. I approached by means of the footpath from Cripplesease. My final ascent involved all the nimbleness my portly frame could muster as I walked up the wall of chunky boulders; gingerly stepping from rock to rock. The bracken is less intense near the summit and the trig is easily reached from the boundary wall. The pillar lacks a cap or plug, the foundations of its base are exposed on one side and it has FB S7868. The site has a tremendous view. St Ives Bay can be seen on the north coast and St Michael’s Mount on the south coast. The hills and moors of Penwith can be seen to the west. St Agnes Beacon, Carn Brea and other hills and downs of Mid Cornwall are to the east. The hill is within the West Penwith area of the Cornwall AONB.

Good condition 18th Aug 2008  17:50  by TreeHouse

FB Number: S7868  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Unless you like wet feet and the pain of gorse-scratched legs don't try to get to this trig point from the car park alongside the road at Giew Mine. Take the footpath heading ENE from close to the pub in Cripplesease. Once you've passed the 12 O'Clock Rock (obvious lump of granite up the hill on the left) head up the hill along the path through the bracken keeping the chunky stone wall to your left. The trig pillar is on top of the hill. Very windy up there.

On top of the pillar Windy afternoon.
The pillar Trencrom Hill in the distance to the south-east.

Good condition 26th Sep 2007  12:00  by Dusty

FB Number: S7868  Condition: Good  Score: 9/10

Tricky scramble from Giew Mine Engine House (dates from 1874) on B3311. One of the best 360 degree views in Penwith.

Mrs Dusty & trigpoint
Giew Mine Engine House and Trink Hill Menhir

Good condition 9th Sep 2007  12:00  by peregrinus

FB Number: S7868  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

vgc, no cap or plug, floral tributes a few weeks old. Striking stone wall adjacent, built of massive boulders - wonder how (and why). From old mine building to W (car park), awkward tussocky terrain, path continuous although faint in places.

Good condition 12th Jul 2007  13:16  by si

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

Done on a stroll from St Ives to Marazion (St mickys mount). When Trink is approached from St Ives (North - balnoon pub) there is a waymarker pointing directly up the hill. As previously logged, gorse , heather rocks and potholes are more evident than a footpath. Most uncivilised. A large boulder appears to indicate summit, but trig is a further wade (maybe 75m) through gorse. DONT go this way if you have bare legs! or any grain of common sense! Views are very good of N and S coast St Michaels Mount - Godrevy ETC. Weather was changeable, and while I was up there I watched visibilty reduce worryingly fast from sunny to very misty, before improving again thank goodness. Descent was much easier by following boulder wall downhill in SE direction and on to cripplesease. (Anyone doing out and back use this route). TBH IMHO the nearby Trencrom hill is more interesting. As an aside there is a monument near St Ives - Knills Monument - SW517387 I guess there as a waymark for St Ives. On my return from Marazion to St Ives it was clear how valuable it would be for anyone without a map.

Good condition 3rd Jun 2007  15:35  by senrabyar

FB Number: S7868  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Walked from car park at SW500372. No real paths. Unpleasant gorse and tussocks in the rain. What view?

Good condition 9th Aug 2006  20:05  by Nr

Gridref: SW 50492 37168   FB Number: S7868  Condition: Good  Score: 10/10

Fantastic... Picked a brill evening, the views are tremendous. Could also spot the locating pin at the pillar's base.

Location Pin
The Locating Pin

Good condition 28th Dec 2004  11:20  by mickandshane

FB Number: S7868  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

Easy access along the footpath from Cripplesease where there is parking at the pub. Plug missing.

Good condition 28th May 2003  19:35  by Nawtcher

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 9/10

Fantastic view from this location. The sea both sides of Cornwall can be easily seen as can St. Michael's Mount.

The TrigpointingUK database is owned and maintained by Ian Harris (Teasel). The TrigTools pages are provided by Barry Hunter. Contact us.