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TP7062 - Woolbury Ring
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OSGB36 trig archive spreadsheet - IW
Woolbury RingSU54/19SU54S019438123.50135272.03158.7272PILLAR01/06/1953101/04/1958N0

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There are 46 photos for this trigpoint (view album).

This trigpoint:
Is ranked joint 5737th with 55 other trigs (more).
Has a mean score of 5.55/10 (from 47 logged visits)
Was First logged: 3rd Dec 1994
Was Last found intact: 27th May 2023
Was Last logged: 10th Sep 2023

Of the 47 logged visits,
12 recorded a location and of these....

All were within 75m
The average error was 11m
2 were exact

slateloose slateloose jonglew jonglew Glaslyn Glaslyn rhayader_wanderer rhayader_wanderer Hi-Tek Hi-Tek Foulds658 Foulds658 Tonyht Tonyht Clanfield Rambler Clanfield Rambler raypool raypool caroleengel caroleengel Pharisee Pharisee Andrew hunt Andrew hunt Woolbury Ring Woolbury Ring [Zoom In/Out] [Hide Labels]

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Selection of photos for this Pillar.

By Andy West
Woolbury Ring
By Trigger monster
Woolbury Ring
By Trigger monster
Woolbury Ring
By Trigger monster
Revisit: location of the trig
By 21qazxsw
See 41 more in the album.

Logged Visits:

Unreachable but visible 10th Sep 2023  15:22  by Andrew hunt

Gridref: SU 38127 35281   FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Unreachable but visible  Score: 5/10

Inaccessible 6th Aug 2023  10:20  by mattandsophie

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Inaccessible  Score: 5/10

Viewed the trig location from Stockbridge Down. Didn't attempt to access

Good condition 27th May 2023  12:09  by Andy West

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Good condition 28th Jul 2022  17:19  by Trigobsession

FB Number: S1699  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

A nightmare to get to and I had to cut my way into the bushes to see it and I received many many scratches and cuts.

Good condition 21st May 2022  13:11  by Trigger monster

FB Number: S1699  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

Expected this to be on NT land so was a bit taken aback on reaching the fort ramparts where a barbed wire fence runs around the perimeter. Then inside the fence expected the pillar to be clearly visible. After checking here from previous visits walked over to the clump and just managed to spot the pillar in location already described, around south west corner of clump a meter or so behind another fence. Decided on access from inside the thicket, in order to see FB so over that fence then another old rusty low wire fence as well. There’s some concrete shelter or something in the thicket as well. The brambles and hawthorn were thick but old growth dry and brittle. It was a scramble to keep as low as possible. On elbows and knees to photograph the FB. Amazing looking back at pictures of this spot ten and more years ago. So neglected now, apart from the fences. If nothing else I guess it’s protection for the pillar. Thankfully in good condition. Good views from nearby. Might be easier in winter.

Woolbury Ring Flush plate, lying face down to get this close
Woolbury Ring Inside the thicket, like thorns in the Disney film sleeping beauty
Woolbury Ring From the outside of the clump, just able to make out the pillar
Woolbury Ring Rough location

Inaccessible 23rd Feb 2021  16:26  by Foulds658

Gridref: SU 38124 35272   FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Inaccessible  Score: 5/10

Good condition 7th Jul 2020  10:30  by AHD

FB Number: S1699  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

From NT car park uphill to Hillfort boundary. Along fence line a short way and through barbed wire fence. Short walk through field to enclosure. Hard to spot at first but could see where others had been so ventured in but needed secateurs as very thorny.


Good condition 28th May 2020  20:28  by COVID Trig Point Challenge

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 4/10

A very tricky one to find. Had to climb a barbed wire fence at the fort rampart. Eventually found it after walking around twice. It is on the south westerly corner (Picture attached). Can be seen from the side of the fence the photo was taken.

Hidden by undergrowth ©COVID Trig Point Challenge

Good condition 7th Mar 2020  15:27  by 360exploring

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 8/10

We were looking for the ROC post within the same compound and also found this trig point. Couldn’t get proper access to it, plan on trying again in the future when travel is unrestricted

Good condition 17th Feb 2020  13:23  by DeniseMc

FB Number: S1699  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Trig is on SW side within brambly enclosed thicket with FB facing away from fence. ROC bunker at west end; Concrete reservoir at east end. Trig easily visible today. Good views. Did not see white horse which is on s side of ramparts. Free parking at Stockbridge Down NT car park to S.

Good condition 26th Aug 2019  15:30  by 21qazxsw

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 8/10

Parked at Stockbridge Down National Trust car park to the SW, then walked up Stockbridge Down to Woolbury hillfort. At the fort's rampart, I climbed through the barbed wire fence (there are 5 or 6 strands of barbed wire), then walked across the field (summit area) to the thicket in the middle of the summit area where the ROC post is. Sheep in the field. The thicket was surrounded by a low fence and there was a make-shift gate on the E side. The thicket was completely overgrown, I searched for the trig from within the thicket and also from outside the fence but I couldn't find it at all. I must have been within a few feet of it, but unable to see it. See pic: circled is the big round concrete thing, which I accessed via the make-shift gate on the E side. I will return in the winter to reattempt to locate this one. Looking at past logs and pics, it would appear that the thicket has grown in size in recent years, and the fence around the thicket has been moved / relocated to enlarge the thicket. *** Revisited 5 December 2019: found it this time. See screenshot attached. The trig is about 1m inside the fence, completely overgrown with thorn, unable to even touch it without doing a serious amount of chopping. No wonder I couldn't find it on my first visit (without a GPS). I can confirm that the thicket has grown in size and the fence has been moved to enlarge the thicket over the years.

the barbed wire fence at the fort rampart with the thicket in the background
aerial pic from Google Maps
Revisit: location of the trig
Revisit: the trig about 1m inside the fence, completely overgrown with thorn

Good condition 28th Jun 2018  11:07  by slateloose

Gridref: SU 38100 35200   FB Number: S1699  Condition: Good  Score: 7/10

Managed on second attempt, farmer cutting grass on 1st. why is the top not open access.

Good condition 4th Jun 2018  12:36  by G1ANQ

FB Number: S1699  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Cycled back to car at Danebury Hill as i was feeling tired and the drove to this one. Glad I did as road to it was steep. Not sure my legs would have made it. Quite a long walk from carpark. And had to navigate a couple of fences. FB is difficult to photo because its tucked away in hawthorn bush.

Flush Bracket
Trig Point

Good condition 17th Feb 2017  00:00  by caroleengel

Gridref: SU 38127 35279   FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

On SW corner of thicket/enclosure

Inaccessible 2nd Jan 2017  12:00  by martyandlisa

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Inaccessible  Score: 5/10

Could not find a way in without climbing over the B/W fence.Worth the walk up to the fort though and great views

Fenced Off

Good condition 29th Apr 2016  13:12  by Dusty

FB Number: S1699  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Flush Bracket

Good condition 22nd Apr 2015  14:35  by Nekyram

FB Number: S1699  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

Good condition 4th Mar 2015  00:00  by Woodleywalker

FB Number: S1699  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Checked the length of fence to find the easiest spot to get over, made use of a corner post. Lovely views.

Good condition 6th May 2014  16:23  by jonglew

Gridref: SU 38120 35264   FB Number: S1699  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

Iron Age univallate hill fort. SW ramparts NT, remainder is private and whole 20 acre summit area fenced off; b/w fence to negotiate to access the trig. Good parking 1km to SE or SW. Pillar in good condition; original cap in place, lightly indented lettering; rear sight hole only open. Encroaching thorn cut back. Extensive views S & W; partial views N; E obscured by hedgerow. Hill is a class 1 tump.

Pillar TP7062©jonglew
Spider TP7062©jonglew
Flush Bracket TP7062©jonglew

Good condition 20th Sep 2012  15:34  by Bridgeman

FB Number: S1699  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Walked from car park on B3049 across Stockbridge Down. Managed to squeeze through fence then across field to trig point.

Woolbury Ring Trig Point ©Bridgeman
Woolbury Ring Trig Point FB ©Bridgeman

Good condition 15th Apr 2012  13:58  by THE CYCLIST

FB Number: S1699  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

NT access land from road until edge of hill camp, then sheep filled field with mesh and barbed wire perimeter.

Good condition 27th Dec 2010  16:05  by dal

FB Number: S1699  Condition: Good  Score: 7/10

Approached from SW. Pleasant elevated location. Intact cap.

Good condition 16th Nov 2010  12:14  by tom

FB Number: S1699  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

The pillar stands next to a ROC post in a grass field inside an Iron Age hill fort on a downland ridge to the north west of Winchester. The site was approached across Stockbridge Down from the car park to the south west. A fence was negotiated on the rampart of the fort to enter the field in its interior. The pillar is in fine condition. It has a metal cap with shallow lettering and FB S1699. Stockbridge Down has several ancient barrows and earthworks and its chalk scrub and grassland have been designated a SSSI. Its slopes had a fine view to the south over rolling countryside of low ridges of fields and woods interspersed with ribbons of mist and fog. From the trig this view was partly masked by trees and shrubs on the perimeter of the camp. To the north distant hill tops could be seen peaking out above an extensive blanket of fog.

Good condition 24th Jul 2010  10:00  by Ted Mariner

FB Number: S1699  Condition: Good  Score: 7/10

A strenuous walk up the hill but not too bad. Had to climb over a barbed wire fence for a bit of minor trespassing. Only saw the private signs on the way back ;-)

TP6072 Woolbury Ring a
TP6072 Woolbury Ring b
TP6072 Woolbury Ring c

Good condition 6th May 2010  17:00  by Clanfield Rambler

Gridref: SU 38125 35278   FB Number: S1699  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

Good condition, metal plug. Walked up from NT car park. Managed to find a spot where we could climb through the fence instead of over it

Good condition 4th Apr 2009  15:00  by TreeHouse

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

It is still there. ROC post next door.

Trig pillar at Woolbury Ring

Good condition 1st Feb 2009  08:25  by Glaslyn

Gridref: SU 38120 35270   FB Number: S1699  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Next to ROC post. Park to the SW cross access land then a strange high barbed fence.


Good condition 1st Jun 2008  15:14  by moonraker

FB Number: S1699  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

Had to climb through barbed wire fence and cross slightly muddy field. Plug still intact.

Good condition 20th Jan 2008  12:20  by bluebeard

FB Number: S1699  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

nice walk from decent carpark until final field which was super claggy mud due to recent cultivation and recent rain

Good condition 24th Nov 2007  11:45  by PHMB

FB Number: S1699  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Took a bit of getting to having crossed Stockbridge Down. Fence and ploughed field beyond ring hard work. What are the vents or hatches close to trig? Is it a reservoir top or bunker? Anyway pillar retains plug, shallow indented lettering. Views a bit restricted by scrub and woodland.

Good condition 14th Jun 2007  12:00  by iainmac

FB Number: S1699  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10


Good condition 2nd Apr 2007  15:01  by raypool

Gridref: SU 38124 35279   FB Number: S1699  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Good condition 19th Oct 2006  00:00  by Tonyht

Gridref: SU 38130 35270   FB Number: S1699  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

Easy to locate, and a minor trespass through a barbed wire fence to access. Nice walk up from the road, but views spoiled by shrubbery.

Unreachable but visible 11th Jun 2005  16:28  by TreeHouse

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Unreachable but visible  Score: 5/10

Just visible, but a long way over on the wrong side of the fence.

Good condition 10th Mar 2005  14:30  by rhayader_wanderer

Gridref: SU 38117 35275   FB Number: S1699  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Used the NT car park and direct ascent. Watch for barbed wire as you leave national trust land. Trig itself in fine condition

Good condition 30th Jan 2005  16:15  by Trigger

FB Number: S1699  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Good condition 28th Nov 2004  13:20  by Hi-Tek

Gridref: SU 38124 35272   FB Number: S1699  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Found while on a Geocache hunt. GPS gave N51 06.929 W001 27.403. Elevation 517ft. Nice views and an interesting Observation Post next to it.

Good condition 28th Nov 2004  00:00  by Pharisee

Gridref: SU 38125 35282   FB Number: S1699  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Tricky to get at. Right next to an old ROC bunker.

Good condition 10th Oct 2004  13:45  by Managra

FB Number: S1699  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Metal plug with lightly indented lettering. Trespassy as it's in the middle of a field, but there was no crop.

The trigpoint ©Managra
The flush bracket ©Managra

Good condition 17th Aug 2003  11:44  by Teasel

FB Number: S1699  Condition: Good  Score: 7/10

Popped by while doing GC730F. Right next to a disused ROC bunker.

The flush bracket
The trigpoint
The next door ROC bunker

Good condition 17th Aug 2003  11:44  by The Peak Plodders

FB Number: S1699  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

Glad I'm not relying on the corn growing in this field, a rather pathetic harvest. Not sure why. Passed while out caching.

Good condition 4th Jul 2003  12:30  by Wubbleyew

FB Number: S1699  Condition: Good  Score: 7/10

Slightly awkward to get to this one, clambered over a barbed wire fence and then in full view of farmer & tractor. Woolbury Ring is of 20 acres, but much of it has been destroyed by ploughing unfortunately, therefore had no compunction about accessing this trigpoint. In the event, the tractor didn't head my way with guns blazing.....

Not Logged 19th Apr 2003  11:38  by paul blitz

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Not Logged  Score: 5/10

Visible from the top of Stockbridge Down, this trigpoint is on private farmland. It's right next to an old Observation Post. If you do the "Up and Down Again" cache, you'll go this way!

Good condition 19th Oct 2002  12:00  by peregrinus

FB Number: S1699  Condition: Good  Score: 6/10

edge of arable fld N of NT land, good cond, with metal cap - ordinary summit, pleasant albeit scrubby hillfort

Unreachable but visible 20th Apr 2002  17:30  by Trigpoint100

FB Number: S1699  Condition: Unreachable but visible  Score: 6/10

En route home from a long walk round Stockbridge, stopped off to collect this one. Direct walk up from the car park through NT land to the iron age fort on a beautiful sunny evening. Trig in a planted up field so viewed from afar and didn't trespass.

Unreachable but visible 3rd Jul 2001  11:30  by kevjtrig

FB Number: Not logged  Condition: Unreachable but visible  Score: 6/10

Taken long before I started to 'collect' trigs. A lovely location within the iron age hillfort, although outside of the 'public' section, hence the condition listed.

Trig from the fence.
View to the west with Danebury and one of the Wallops.

Good condition 3rd Dec 1994  00:00  by mickandshane

FB Number: S1699  Condition: Good  Score: 5/10

A little bit trespassy. Plug with indented lettering.

The TrigpointingUK database is owned and maintained by Ian Harris (Teasel). The TrigTools pages are provided by Barry Hunter. Contact us.